Part 19: Varicose veins

21 Yoga Practices For Body Flexibility

3 min readJun 26, 2021


“Varicose veins” | Credit: SHVETS production from Pexels

Varicose veins are formed due to increased blood pressure in the veins. They can be found on the surface of the skin. Blood moves towards the heart by one-way valves in the vein. If there is any weakness in the valve, the blood gets collected in the vein.

Symptoms can include aching legs, swollen ankles and spider veins.

Any condition that puts pressure on the abdomen has the potential to cause varicose vein (like pregnancy), constipation, and in rare cases, tumors. People who are overweight have a high risk of having varicose veins. As per the statistics, more than 23% adults are affected by varicose vein.

“Varicose veins” | Credit: My Doctor

Varicose veins seldom need treatment for health reasons. However, they are done for cosmetic reasons even if it is not required for health purposes. Sometimes, the legs may become swollen and painful, leading to discomfort. In severe cases, a varicose vein may rupture to develop into varicose ulcers on the skin. Under such circumstances treatment is a must.

Home remedies to improve this condition include exercising, weight loss, leg raising, and minimizing prolonged standing and sitting.

Here is a yoga therapy demonstration for the varicose vein pain to be reduced:

Varicose veins | 21 Yoga Practices For Body Flexibility | Yogavaidhyam

With weight loss being one of the remedies, here are some additional tips to reduce weight and eat mindfully.

  1. It is recommended to have 40% raw or uncooked food in each meal.
  2. One should consume plenty of warm water per day.
  3. Eating junk food in between two meals is to be avoided.
  4. High fiber foods like brown rice, beans, beet roots, baked potato with skin, nuts and berries are to be included in the diet.
  5. Ayurveda suggests to “eat water and drink food”, i.e. one should chew the food in such a way that it becomes a liquid. While doing so, the saliva is produced more and the amylose present in the saliva gets mixed up with the food to begin the process of digestion. Difficulty in digestion is mainly because of lack of proper chewing. If it is not chewed properly, the food goes inside without properly broken down. Then it becomes a hard work for the digestive juices to digest the food. When the food happens to stay for a longer time in the gut because of delayed digestion, it gets fermented, and can become toxic. Water should be kept in mouth for a few seconds and drunk with consciousness as it is said to have memory power.
  6. It is wise to eat to fill half the stomach, consume water to fill it till three fourths and leave one fourth of the stomach empty for a better way of life.
  7. After having the meal, it is wise to have a hot jeera water after 20 minutes to help the system for easy digestion. This will clear the food pipe of any fatty substances lining the wall of the food pipe. Jeera water has the ability to boost the metabolism, relieve constipation and improve digestion.
  8. One can sit in Vajrasana with Apaan mudra in both hands for 15 minutes (minimum) after having the meals. It improves digestion.
  9. Carefully picked vegetables, cooked with love and affection should be served with good intention. It should be consumed with gratitude towards the food and the hands that are responsible for bringing it from the field to the plates.
  10. Food must be eaten carefully with consciousness. It is important with what kind of emotion, a person consumes food.

Food consumed with hatred and agitated mindset, or watching any violent movie during dining time will impact the digestion and assimilation of food.

“Eating food with consciousness” | Credit: August de Richelieu from Pexels

