Part 20: Achilles tendon

21 Yoga Practices For Body Flexibility

3 min readAug 8, 2021


“Achilles tendon” | Credit: Kindel Media from Pexels

The Achilles tendon is a tough band of fibrous tissue that connects the calf muscles to the heel bone called calcaneus. Achilles tendon is also known as calcaneus tendon.

The gastrocnemius and soleus muscles (together called calf muscle) unite into one band of tissue to become Achilles tendon. This is the largest and the strongest tendon in our body. Flexing of calf muscles results in the pulling of Achilles tendon on the heel. This function is responsible for our ability to raise our heel, walk, run or jump.

Though it is the strongest in the body, it is vulnerable to injury due to high possibility of impact. The injury could lead to stiffness, swelling or burning pain of that area (ankle joint).

A sudden impact or repetitive stress could cause injury in the Achilles tendon.

Some of the other causes could be:

  1. Wearing high heels.
  2. Using improper size of shoes.
  3. Doing intense activities without proper preparation.
  4. Working on uneven surfaces.

Apart from the primary supportive care of rest, using ice pack, compression and elevation, simple yoga practices can be done.

Here is a simple yoga therapy demonstration towards the mild exercise.

Achilles tendon | 21 Yoga Practices For Body Flexibility | Yogavaidhyam

When we are into any activity, there are always some do’s and don’ts to be followed. We need to understand that doing the do’s is easier than not doing the don’ts. One should have a clear cut clarity in this concept.

There are certain situations where it is wiser to maintain silence instead of uttering unhelpful words. Many people do not realize this. Similarly, to make a person “unlearn” a habit also becomes challenging as the mind forms a loop in the name of routine. To have a fresh experience, one should learn the art of unlearning. Yoga gives this ability.

Some examples of habits that we find difficult to unlearn are,

  1. Wearing high heels due to peer pressure though it does not suit you personally.
  2. Consuming fast food or alcoholic drinks under the bracket of “socializing” even though you may dislike it.
  3. Reluctance to follow rules due to ego. The egoistic mind commands, “this is how I am. Why should I change?”

Change is the only thing that is constant. By keeping an open mind and letting go of our ego, one is actually in their journey towards success.

  1. One should not do postures not suitable to one’s constitution while learning yoga, in the name of pushing themselves to their limit.
  2. Four hours gap should be there after a full meal to experience a proper breathing.
  3. Overdoing or stretching beyond one’s capacity should be avoided.

Our approach towards life should bring more joy and happiness. It will happen faster with two simultaneous actions — stopping inappropriate actions, and doing the appropriate actions.

Stay Healthy, Stay Happy.

“Stay happy, stay healthy” | Credit: Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

