How to turn writer’s block into a masterpiece.

Krystal Ariel
Kiva Yoga Institute
2 min readApr 15, 2017

This morning, I was dealing with a serious case of writer’s block. I was at a coffee shop with my husband and we were so excited to get to work! That was… until an uncontrollable frustration kicked in.

It was through the roof and I couldn’t figure out how to help myself get back on task. I was so annoyed every time I looked at the screen and it seemed like every sentence I wrote was pure garbage.

I‘m writing an article on a topic that I’m very passionate about. I thought to myself, “If you create from a place of passion, everything will be effortless and the words will flow right off of your fingertips.” Right?

Reality check for me! For the past few days I’ve been changing, rearranging and editing the shit out of this article and as much as I love what it will eventually be, I can’t seem to finish it.

I tried to breathe and refocus. Surely I was just being a brat and if I just take a second to breathe it will go away. Not helping. At all.

Was my body trying to tell me something?

I didn’t know what to do or how to continue writing. I felt so emotional like I wanted to break down into tears or throw something. My mind and body didn’t feel in sync. The mind was telling me “get to work” and my body was like, “no that’s not happening”.

I told my husband I’d see him at home and left the coffee shop. I came home and walked over to our yoga room, where I proceeded to write out my frustration. As I got to the end, the last thing I wrote was.

I just want to turn the music on and clean the house so we can be in a clean space. That’s what would make me happy.

I stared at the sentence like, “Ok! Doing it!”.
But after I turned the music on… something unexpected happened.

I feel much better now. :) Listen to your body. Your mind is only 1/3 of the entire being that you are.

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