What is Traditional Japanese Reiki?

Krystal Ariel
Kiva Yoga Institute
2 min readFeb 26, 2019

In order to explain what Reiki is, I must first share the origins of reiki.

Mikao Usui’s Reiki Symbols

Reiki began in Japan with Mikao Usui, a man determined to reach enlightenment. He attended buddhist schools as a child and was around monks for most of his life. Despite this, he still felt like he hadn’t found enlightenment and set fourth on a journey to find her.

Mikao Usui, Japan

According to buddhist belief, there are three ways to reach enlightenment:
- Spiritual Retreat
- Traumatic Event
- Death

Mikao Usui returned to the buddhist temple as an adult to attend a spiritual retreat and still he was unable to find the enlightenment he was searching for. Later in his life, before discovering reiki, he was a (neither successful nor un-successful) business man who eventually went bankrupt; marking his encounter with a traumatic experience.

The only thing he hadn’t experienced up until this point was death.

So he went up to the mountain to starve himself. During this time, he received reiki. He took this as the enlightenment he had been searching for but needed confirmation. He came down the mountain and shared his story with a master who gave him confirmation. He began sharing reiki and healed many people.

He eventually opened up a school and it is his students who have carried it to where it is today.

What is reiki?Read More.

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