The Future of Intelligence: AI and Human Collaboration

Yogesh Sharma
Published in
5 min readAug 9, 2023
Building Universal Intelligence

My previous blog covered the democratization of AI and how AI is becoming more accessible to everyone. I argued that this is a positive development, as it will allow more people to benefit from AI and help to create a more equitable and progressive society.

Let us explore the relationship between AI and human intelligence in this blog. I will argue that AI is not a threat to human intelligence but rather an opportunity to leap into a new realm faster by augmenting our abilities and processes. I will also discuss the possibility of Super Intelligence and the implications of such a development for our future.

The democratization of AI is making this possible. As AI becomes more accessible, we can build stronger partnerships between humans and AI. This partnership will allow us to achieve things we could never achieve without this new dimension. I am excited to see what the future holds for collaborative intelligence. I believe that it has the potential to revolutionize our world and make it a better place. I will also discuss the possibility of Super Intelligence and the implications of such a development for our future.

Human Intelligence: A Brief History

Before we dive deep into Artificial Intelligence, let’s start with the basics: Human Intelligence. Where does it come from? The human brain was not always what it is now. Instead, it is a result of millions of years of evolution.

The Primal Brain

Human intelligence is the product of millions of years of evolution. Our brains are incredibly complex machines shaped by the challenges of survival in our environment. The primal brain is responsible for our most basic instincts, such as hunger, thirst, and reproduction. It is also responsible for our emotions, such as fear, anger, and love. The primal brain is essential for survival but also limits our intelligence in some ways. For example, the primal brain is often quick to react to threats, even when those threats are not real and can lead to irrational behaviour and poor decision-making.

The Evolution of Human Intelligence

The human brain has evolved to become more intelligent. This evolution has been driven by several factors, including the need to cooperate with others, solve problems, and adapt to new environments.

Language development was one of the most critical developments in the evolution of human intelligence. Language allows us to communicate with each other, share ideas, and learn from each other. It also allows us to think more abstractly and solve more complex problems.

Another significant development in the evolution of human intelligence was the development of tools. Tools allowed us to extend our physical capabilities and manipulate our environment, which led to the development of new technologies and improved living standards. This is just one example of how humans have constantly augmented intelligence with technology in their quest to achieve Universal Intelligence.

Harnessing the Power of AI and Human Intelligence

AI and human intelligence are complementary technologies. Augmenting AI with human intelligence is shaping the next period of evolution on Earth, and human intelligence can effectively be used to guide the development of AI. Combining these two forms of intelligence can create a new type of intelligence that is more incredible than the sum of its parts.

Universal Intelligence

The future of intelligence is not about AI vs. humans. It is about AI and humans working together in collaboration. They may call it Collaborative Intelligence. I call it the Universal Intelligence.

Universal intelligence is the ability of AI and humans to work together seamlessly to solve problems and achieve complex goals. It is the next stage in the intelligence evolution.

Universal intelligence will allow us to do things we could never do independently. We can solve problems that are too complex for either AI or humans to solve alone. We will be able to make better decisions faster. We can create new technologies that will transform the world beyond imagination. This transformation will lead the way to understanding and realizing the concept of Super Intelligence, which is more powerful than everything we have learned and imagined.

Super Intelligence: What is it?

It refers to intelligence that surpasses the human intellect. According to industry experts, it could be brought into existence with the help of artificial intelligence. In contrast, others believe that it already exists in the natural world, and all we have to do is understand and harness the power of this type of intelligence.

The development of Super Intelligence is a fascinating prospect but also a daunting one. There are many potential risks associated with Super Intelligence, such as the possibility that it could pose a threat to humanity. However, there are also many potential benefits, such as the ability to address some of the world’s most pressing problems.

One of the most promising technologies for developing Super Intelligence is Quantum Computing. Quantum computers are much more powerful, 100 million to 150 million times faster than the current fastest supercomputer, and they could be used to solve challenges that are currently extremely difficult to solve with traditional methods. This could lead to the developing of even more powerful AI systems, which could profoundly impact our world.

Quantum Computing: The Future Beyond AI

The field of quantum computing is a relatively new but rapidly advancing area of technology. This cutting-edge computing technology is based on principles derived from quantum mechanics. Unlike traditional computing, quantum computers are significantly more powerful and have the potential to revolutionize a wide range of industries, including artificial intelligence.

The ability of quantum computers to develop new and more powerful AI algorithms is an exciting prospect that could potentially lead to the creation of Super Intelligence. Alternatively, it could just allow us to solve problems that were previously impossible to solve with standard computing methods.

On the one hand, Quantum computing is the key to revolutionizing many industries. It can also be used for malicious purposes, so we must work together to ensure that it is used for improving our world. An extremely well-crafted governance model will be an excellent step towards this goal. AI can help us identify and mitigate the risks of quantum computing, while humans can provide guidance and oversight. By working together, we can ensure that quantum computing is a force for good in the world.


The potential for intelligence in the future is promising. When AI and human intelligence work together, they can create a new form of intelligence that surpasses their individual abilities. This combined intelligence, known as universal intelligence, opens up a world of previously unattainable possibilities.

Now is when we all measure our AI Awareness Index and take this AIA Index concept to every organization. Mamsys started delivering AI-powered solutions five years ago and simultaneously created AI-enabled solutions for its internal processes. We have created a framework to measure the AIA index and defined the process to improve the same.

AI awareness is the key to opening the secret locker and stepping into the future of endless possibilities. However, like other technological advancements in the past, this AI evolution also requires a thoughtfully carved out governance to control the usage and limit it to use for the betterment of humankind and our dear planet Earth.

The future of intelligence is in our hands. Let’s make sure that we use it wisely.

Quote: The future of intelligence is not a competition between AI and humans. It’s the path to building the Universal Intelligence.

What do you think the future of intelligence holds? Please provide your insightful comments below.



Yogesh Sharma

Chairperson, Mamsys World | Charter Member, TiE Germany | Business Coach | Startup Mentor | Author | Blogger | PanIIT Europe