The Impending Tussle: How Artificial General Intelligence Threatens Job Profiles

Yogesh Sharma
Published in
5 min readJun 1, 2023


In the ever-evolving landscape of technological advancements, Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) stands as a defining force that has the potential to reshape the very foundation of our job market. Hence, it becomes necessary to address the concerns surrounding the impact of AGI on job profiles, particularly the imminent tussle between generalists and specialists, in the near term. The accelerating pace of change in this field calls for a critical examination of the consequences AGI might bring upon the human workforce.

The Accelerating Pace of Change

The transformational impact of AGI on job profiles is not entirely unexpected. The development and integration of artificial intelligence have been part of the deal for quite some time. However, what sets AGI apart is the unprecedented pace at which this technology is advancing. The rapid progress in AGI research, combined with the growing availability of vast amount of data, has accelerated the timeline for its adoption.

The faster-than-anticipated progress in AGI technology has caught many professionals off guard, making it challenging for them to adapt and reskill in time. This accelerated pace of change further exacerbates the negative implications for job profiles, leaving individuals with limited time to adjust to the new demands of the workforce. The pressure to upskill or risk obsolescence becomes a daunting reality for many.

The Generalists vs. Specialists

One of the significant impacts of AGI on job profiles lies in the shifting balance between generalists and specialists. Historically, specialists have held a crucial role in our workforce, offering their deep expertise and specialized knowledge. However, with the rise of AGI, which possesses the ability to perform complex tasks across multiple domains, the demand for specialists may diminish.

AGI’s capability to handle a diverse range of tasks effectively and efficiently raises questions about the necessity of specialists who excel in narrow fields. Employers, driven by the need for cost-effectiveness and agility, may prefer the versatility and adaptability of generalists. This could potentially lead to a gradual erosion of the specialists’ layer, threatening their job security and future prospects.

Specialists’ years of training and experience might be deemed less valuable when AGI can quickly acquire knowledge and skills to tackle various tasks. While generalists may offer a broader understanding and flexibility, they may not possess the same level of expertise as specialists in specific domains. This tug-of-war between generalists and specialists could disrupt the balance of skills in the job market, leaving many specialists with limited opportunities. So, how can you as a specialist avoid getting derailed?

Here are a few tips for how specialists can stay relevant and compete with generalists in the age of AGI:

1. Focus on your unique value proposition

What makes you a specialist? What knowledge, skills, and experience do you have that are not replaceable easily? What can you offer that a generalist cannot? Once you know what makes you unique, you can start to market yourself in a way that highlights your value.

2. Become a thought leader

One way to stay ahead of the curve is to become a thought leader in your field. This means sharing your knowledge and expertise with others through writing, speaking, or other forms of communication. By becoming a thought leader, you can establish yourself as a go-to resource for information and advice.

3. Be adaptable and willing to learn new things

The world is changing rapidly, and it’s important for specialists to be adaptable and willing to learn new things. This means being open to new technologies and being willing to upskill and reskill as required.

4. Collaborate with others

In the age of AGI, no one person can know everything. That’s why it’s important for specialists to collaborate with others. This could involve working with other specialists, generalists, or even machines. By collaborating with others, you can leverage the strengths of each individual or team to achieve your goals. Understanding of Human-Machine interaction is going to be the key for success.

The Job Displacement Conundrum

The advent of AGI also brings with it the troubling possibility of job displacement on an unprecedented scale. While technological advancements have always been accompanied by some level of job disruption, AGI’s emergence amplifies the scale and scope of this disruption. Numerous industries that have traditionally relied on human expertise could witness a significant reduction in job opportunities.

AGI’s ability to automate repetitive and intellectually demanding tasks poses a formidable challenge to human workers. Jobs that are routine-based or require specialized knowledge in specific areas might be susceptible to automation, leaving many professionals struggling to find suitable employment options. The transition from human labor to AGI-based systems will undoubtedly bring forth a period of uncertainty and upheaval.

For example, in the healthcare sector, AGI could potentially replace radiologists by accurately analyzing medical images or automate customer service roles by providing efficient and personalized responses. While AGI-driven automation offers benefits such as increased efficiency and reduced costs, it simultaneously threatens the livelihoods of individuals who rely on those jobs.


As we embark on the journey into a future powered by Artificial General Intelligence, it is crucial to acknowledge the potentially negative consequences it poses for job profiles. The tussle between generalists and specialists might result in the gradual elimination of the specialist layer, while the looming threat of job displacement casts a shadow over various industries. The accelerated pace of change adds an additional layer of complexity, making it imperative for individuals to adapt and upskill rapidly.

To mitigate these negative impacts, it becomes essential for individuals, businesses, and governments to embrace proactive measures. Reskilling initiatives, lifelong learning programs, and investment in education can help alleviate the challenges posed by AGI. By equipping individuals with the necessary skills and fostering a culture of adaptability, we can navigate the evolving job market and seize the opportunities presented by AGI. We at Mamsys are very excited about the possibilities of AGI and are using the concept of chains for various applications. At the same time, we are preparing our workforce to be more efficient and future-ready.

While AGI undoubtedly brings challenges, it is important to remember that technology also creates new avenues for growth and innovation. By embracing the potential of AGI while addressing its negative repercussions, we can shape a future where humans and machines work in harmony, ensuring a prosperous and sustainable human existence.



Yogesh Sharma

Chairperson, Mamsys World | Charter Member, TiE Germany | Business Coach | Startup Mentor | Author | Blogger | PanIIT Europe