I attended CircleCI Tokyo User meet-up

Yohei Noda
Yohei Noda’s Blog
2 min readMar 31, 2018

(Forgive me if there are mistakes in my English..)

I attended CircleCI Tokyo User Meet-up held at TECH PLAY at Shibuya, Tokyo on Thursday. I attended this meet-up because our company has used CircleCI (including CircleCI Enterprise) for about three years, and I was interested in the roadmap of CircleCI.

Introduction by Jim Rose, CEO of CircleCI

At the beginning of the meet-up. CircleCI CEO Jim Rose looked back 2017, and introduced roadmap of 2018. I was especially interested in how .com plan and enterprise plan will be turned out, so it was the good opportunity to hear about that. Following is the roadmap of 2018 (as far as I remember..).

Roadmap of 2018 (Features)

  • LDAP support
  • Audit Logging
  • Number of containers based pricing will be changed to usage based pricing
  • GCP & Azure support, VM support
  • API (It will be replaced GraphQL base API?)
  • Custom Insight

Roadmap of 2018 (Others)

  • CircleCI Tokyo office will be opened this summer(?)
  • sunset v1.0 (already announced here)
  • .com & enterprise plan will be integrated (from the marketing perspective)

Our team has calculated not only the monetary cost, but also the maintenance cost of both .com and enterprise plan, and we have used enterprise plan. I would like to continue to follow the latest information of CircleCI & other services.

Architecture of CircleCI

In the drinking party of this meet-up, one of CircleCI members described architecture of CircleCI 1.0 & 2.0. Most memorable thing is that v1.0 had a problem when sending commands line by line in circle.yml to build instance by ssh. Sending remote commands via ssh sometimes failed in a certain degree when sending a lot of commands. So more and more the number of commands in circle.yml increased, more and more probability of build failure increased. It was solved in v2.0 by sending the contents in yml file before starting each builds.

Lightning Talks by Masui-san (Toreta) & Igarashi-san (CrowdWorks)

The meet-up also had Lightning Talk session on building great engineering culture.

Development team in Toreta provides “engineering” not only for developing products by writing code, but also for solving entire problems in the business of the company. The team really values symmetry of information in each steps of pipeline (vision, goal, purpose & specification & product).

Development team in CrowdWorks organizes teams by purpose. Each team decides how to management tasks, meetings & rules of remote-work separately. Please see the slide attached below for details :-)

CrowdWorks Engineering Culture by Hideaki Igarashi

I’m looking forward to next user meet-up. Thanks for CircleCI members and all speakers!



Yohei Noda
Yohei Noda’s Blog

Head of EM Team & Engineer (KARTE Blocks) at Plaid, Inc@Tokyo, Japan. Ex-IBM software engineer.