Make Japanese Friends and Deep Connections

Much is written about the tough time some people have when they try to make Japanese friends. With these 5 tips and suggestions you can create a real friendship during your travels or live-abroad experience in Japan. Bring back more than a souvenir, find your new Japanese BFF.

Having fun after a run with the Tokyo Shitamachi Runners Group on — photo by Lauren Shannon
  1. Go Online to Discover Offline Connections: These days sites like are universal. Travel to almost any developed country and you will find people using meetup to make new friends who share a common interest. Before you come to Japan check out all the groups on . Cross-cultural friendship groups abound, as do international groups with both local and foreign members. Even better, you can choose interest meetups like art, anime, tea ceremony or sports — so you can connect with your new Japanese friend around a topic you both enjoy.
I met some lovely Halloween party folks- dressed as zombie minions! photo by Lauren Shannon

2. Attend Events and Festivals: Heading out to some big festival or event is a great way to meet new people and make Japanese friends. I am not sure why, but being in the party mood certainly helps build connections. When I went to the huge Halloween gathering in Shibuya, Tokyo, I met some great new people and made plans to get together again later. Catching…



Lauren Shannon aka littlestgator

professional food lover, part owner Arigato Japan, creative marketer, and global nomad. I love to explore. And I am owned by a feisty french bulldog, Archie.