Bid Cloning Comes to YOLOREKT

YOLO team
Published in
3 min readMay 19, 2023

Get ready to go degen squared 🐸 — we have a great new feature for you degens: Bid Cloning

Imagine turning into a top-user overnight; without lifting a finger. Now you’re pulling 100%+ ROIs, sometimes hitting 1000%.

How did you do it? YOLOREKT Bid Cloning baby —

You clicked on one of your favorite users on the leaderboard or in the bids panel and hit a switch in their profile to copy their bids. Then you did whatever you wanted — grabbed a burrito, watched LOTR for the 30th time, took a nap.

You check back and see that you’ve already auto-opened and closed a few bids on your account and netted some real dough. All for a small tip of a few percent to the lead bidder you’ve chosen to follow.

You can follow as many leads as you like. When you don’t want to follow new positions, simply unclick the switch in the lead trader’s profile or go to your user profile’s BID CLONING tab and hit the red ❌ icon by their name in the YOU ARE BID CLONING section.

You can also close any copy positions manually at any time if you choose to. AutoGPT is cool and all, but AutoYOLO is 💰✌️.

Lead Traders Get Divvies

If you’re the lead trader getting copied, you can set and earn fees up to 5.00%. That means every time you close in profit, you get to pull in some extra dough from all of your followers’ positions. Set the fee rate in your user profile’s BID CLONING section, under CUSTOM FEES.

Let’s say you just scored a 50% ROI that’s made you net $5,000 in profits from your position close. But let’s say you also have three followers who copied your bid; that gives you about $312 * 3 ⇒ $936 extra just like that. An extra grand isn’t bad, right? Let your followers on social media know you are crushing it on YOLOREKT. Or let your performance do the talking by heading to the top of the YOLO leaderboard. Either way, with enough followers, you’ll be making enough to buy your own island for you and all your pepe tadpoles.

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YOLOREKT is a Social Gamified Prediction Platform for crypto, stocks, and more — a social and fun way to bid on the future price of an asset. Provide in-game liquidity to earn game fees and YOLO rewards.

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YOLOREKT is a social, hyper-gamified approach to short-term prediction markets. Provide in-game liquidity or predict the future price of ETH, BTC, MATIC, & more