YOLO team
Published in
6 min readMay 11, 2022

We regret to inform everyone that YOLOrekt has reached the end of the line. YOLO is dead. Done. Finito. Final. Goblin Town. We just can’t hack the pressure of the markets anymore. Upper management has blown all the money on LUNA/UST, Segways, and Cuban cigars — and are actually a bunch of assholes…

What? Are you kidding?! YOLOrekt is thriving.

We just totally fired the intern overdosing on Raoul Pal podcasts who wrote that terrible introduction. We are on track to deliver some of the best and most innovative products this year, and an amazing pipeline into 2023, and beyond.

So let’s dive right in…


You know what time it is? It’s LAUNCH time…

First and foremost we would like to sincerely thank the community for being patient as we work tremendously hard on the launch of YOLOrekt. Let’s kick this off with a bunch of updates as the YOLOrekt team has been working around the clock. Our marketing and design team is figuring everything out as far as optics and communication, while our engineering and crypto teams take us to a stable and bug-free future.

So what’s been going on?

Smart Contracts advancement

YOLOrekt has built a unique set of smart contracts enabling real-time price prediction in 3-minute rounds (and other durations). Contracts include flexible design, which can handle any number of assets, as well as in-game fees for liquidity providers. Contracts were also designed to incentivize bidders with rewards in YOLO (and/or other coins) via specialized SemiFungible (SFT) and NFTs which track participation by tokens. These tokens can qualify for upgrades, rising multiple levels through active participation and bidding on the platform, for better and better incentives and rewards. Tokens are decoupled from the user and monetizable, creating a novel marketplace for play-to-earn users.

YOLOrekt audits

YOLOrekt is working with QuillHash’s auditors over the last month for the first round of audits. We have completed numerous code reviews and crushed all possible attack vectors by exhausting code paths. We have also written an automated test suite, along with discovering possible random code paths through static analysis. The YOLOrekt codebase will further undergo fuzzy testing and scaled simulations of various parts of the contracts before the public launch.

UI/UX updates & improvements

Since the inception of the original YOLOrekt in 2019, we’ve given great attention to both our user experience and visual interfaces. We have not only redesigned the UI from the ground up, while keeping what was originally loved in the original game, but we have carefully tailored it to, not only make the experience easy and practical, but to provide fun — especially when you’re winning.

Yolorekt 2019
Yolrekt 2022

Our mobile experience is also extremely important to us, so we went above and beyond — with full web mobile support and development of an Android native app. If you think web looks stunning, our mobile apps will become your primary and preferred platform for the first series of games/markets. We have put ourselves ahead of most dApps, where most don’t even offer proper mobile device compatibility — something we’re very proud of.

Beta program

YOLOrekt beta has been live since Oct 26th, 2021. Over 20,000 users are signed up and waiting to get access to the beta. Currently, 10k+ users are onboarded for beta access and are regularly playing the game. This was done through a BYOLO-NFT airdrop to the whitelisted participants. There are 10k+ whitelisted participants anticipating a BYOLO NFT airdrop to get access to the platform. As of now, users have completed 30k+ bids cumulatively in the last 4 months.

YOLOrekt production Silver NFT sale

Our Beta users are already using the BYOLO NFT to bid on YOLOrekt (Beta version). However, that’s just the teaser. The whole NFT story is about to be revealed. In the wake of NFT culture, we wanted to take a different, say useful, approach to NFTs by introducing a proper NFT mechanism inside YOLOrekt to reward loyal bidders.

The production YOLO NFT is a first-of-its-kind introduction to upgradable market NFTs that store user (aka NFT owner) metadata. It’s play-to-earn (P2E) in an elegant DeFi format. Metadata will be updated in real-time individually based on user participation. Additionally, these NFTs can be upgraded as and when the desired conditions are met. So, dedicated users can break through requirement thresholds that’ll evolve their NFTs into upgraded versions of itself with better rewards, incentives, and scarcity.

We are in talks with Project Galaxy to run separate campaigns where users can complete certain tasks and gain eligibility to mint YOLO NFTs. The official sale date will be announced soon in our next medium. The projected launch date is in June.

Say hello to my lil frens

Community bug bounty

Following completion of internal audits (in about a week’s time), our entire smart contract suite will be publicly available. We welcome code scrutiny from our users and the blockchain developer community at large, which is why we’re offering a 3-week community bug bounty program. For any major vulnerability found, which can drain funds, compromise access, or change accounting, the reward will be $10,000 in stablecoin (UST, obviously), with smaller rewards for minor issues. More details coming soon.

YOLO token sale

At the moment, we are assessing the best possible ways to make our tokens available to our community. Token distribution will happen smoothly and in the best interest of every participant, as we are in the midst of conversations with the best of platforms for our token sale. Given the current market situation and high volatilities in prices, we don’t want our product to be unnecessarily affected by extreme market volatility leading to early instability.

We will be making a decision soon and updating our community on the planned token distribution path. Our projected launch date remains unaffected by this decision.

Stay tuned…

We’ll be running contests and will be posting constant daily updates, so make sure to follow our social channels.

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About YOLOrekt

YOLOrekt is building a comprehensive short-term prediction platform for crypto, stocks, and more. YOLO is a social and fun way to bid on the future price of an asset. Provide in-game liquidity to earn game fees and YOLO rewards.

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YOLO team

YOLOREKT is a social, hyper-gamified approach to short-term prediction markets. Provide in-game liquidity or predict the future price of ETH, BTC, MATIC, & more