YOLO Bug Bounty — 4 Day Cross-chain Shootout

YOLO team
Published in
3 min readJul 9, 2021


YOLOrekt is running a first-of-its-kind synced dual token issuance. The issuance contracts raise capital for bootstrapping liquidity, which lets contributors buy YOLO tokens on Ethereum and/or Polygon simultaneously with ETH and wrapped ETH, respectively. Our Token Issuance event starts Tuesday, July 13 at 9 am PDT (16:00 UTC) and lasts for 72 hours.

A multi-issuance token event employs a relatively novel approach of running a token issuance on multiple blockchain platforms concurrently, which is how users are able to buy tokens on either platform. At the close of the contribution window, coordination logic is invoked to calculate the actual price of a YOLO token based on the contributions across each blockchain platform.

Since this is a novel approach, we’re opening up the smart contracts to the community. We’ve also set up discussions and issues tracking in our Github Repo — share your thoughts on the approaches we’ve taken in this set of contracts, even if they’re just opinions on design and coding style. So feel free to kick the tires. Maybe coins will come out, who knows :)

Bounties — Help us Help you!

Bounties will be paid for finding bugs or errors in the following categories


  1. Draining of ETH (Ethereum) or wETH (Polygon) from IssuanceEthereum or IssuancePolygon contracts.
  2. Either ETH or wETH is in a locked state on their respective contracts, i.e., non-withdrawable state.
  3. Third-party attackers or faulty functionality may block the system and freeze the issuance contracts or cause the system or users to lose funds.


  1. DoS, under specific conditions
  2. Part of the functionality becomes unusable due to programming errors.


  1. Buggy functionality for trusted users where a workaround exists.
  2. Breaking important system invariants, but without apparent consequences.

Easter egg bonus:

  1. We’ve planted a fun little (and by little we mean critical) bug for you somewhere in the issuance contracts. Dig it up like a truffle (er, with Truffle) and claim the reward!


  1. Critical — 10k USDT
  2. Medium — 2k USDT
  3. Low — 500 USDT
  4. Easter Egg — 400 USDT

Happy Hacking! Bug Bounty ends Monday, July 12 @ 9am PST

Dual Issuance Github: https://github.com/YOLOrekt/dual-issuance-bug-bounty

A blog on YOLOrekt from our partners at Polygon: https://blog.polygon.technology/yolorekt-gamifies-on-polygon-8b914de1c99e

About YOLOrekt

YOLOrekt is building a comprehensive short-term prediction platform for crypto, stocks, and more. YOLO is a social and fun way to bid on the future price of an asset. Provide in-game liquidity to earn game fees and YOLO rewards. Here’s our Twitter, Telegram, and Website:

Twitter | Telegram | Website



YOLO team

YOLOREKT is a social, hyper-gamified approach to short-term prediction markets. Provide in-game liquidity or predict the future price of ETH, BTC, MATIC, & more