YOLOrekt Beta is almost here!

YOLO team
Published in
3 min readAug 30, 2021

There’s someone we’d like you to meet very soon

A new and improved YOLOrekt has been in the works for some time, and she’s officially ready to make her grand debut. We’ve named this hyper-gamified, short-term prediction platform ‘Beta’ and we’re happy to report that she is more than just a pretty face.

So who’s this mysterious Beta? Let’s just say she is an introduction to our platform: a super fun and elegant crypto-to-USD and stock price prediction market that functions in 3-minute rounds. You can bid up or down, as you try to predict where the price will go next. All Beta users will be able to interact with the UI and let us know how they feel about the social Chat experience, Game Play, Live Stats, Widgets, and overall design and usability.

We will start with the following assets:

  1. ETH / USD
  2. Tesla / USD
  3. Doge / USD


Coming soon, 251 early community members who participated in our botched Token Sale will be able to access the platform using their airdropped betaYOLO NFT. This punk art NFT acts as key, allowing participants to make bids in our limited Beta offering.

Play for Pay

To show our appreciation for our community’s valuable feedback, we will be offering rewards for game participation at the end of the testing window. Rewards are based on a weighted combination of total bids and cumulative bids amount. The total reward distribution is 500,000 tokens. While these NFTs can be traded and sold as you like, we’d tell you to hang on to them and collect all the YOLO you can. That way, not only can you play, but you can also start mining liquidity!

Rewards distribution is weighted based on following (displayed on the YOLO game page):

  • 70% — number of rounds bid
  • 30% — cumulative bid amount (to mitigate bots)

More to come

Things are picking up speed at YOLOrekt, and we can’t wait for our community to experience everything we’ve been working on. That’s all for now, but rest assured there is so much more to come. Let’s have a blast!

About YOLOrekt

YOLOrekt is building a comprehensive short-term prediction platform for crypto, stocks, and more. YOLO is a social and fun way to bid on the future price of an asset. Provide in-game liquidity to earn game fees and YOLO rewards. Here’s our Twitter, Telegram, and Website:

Twitter | Telegram | Website



YOLO team

YOLOREKT is a social, hyper-gamified approach to short-term prediction markets. Provide in-game liquidity or predict the future price of ETH, BTC, MATIC, & more