What is happening? (Daniel 11 to 12:1,2)

Yomelijah Yomelijah
Published in
8 min readOct 9, 2023

The purpose of this study is to make an update, given the tragic events which take place between Russia and Ukraine, and also more recently in Israel, concerning the attack of Hamas, on October 7, 2023, in the territory of Israel, all regarding to the the understanding of the prophecy of Daniel, in the Middle East (the king of the north and the king of the south). There will be a summary of this prophecy from its fulfillment in 1948, during the creation of the State of Israel. It is important to recall the main point of understanding of this prophecy of Daniel, that the geographical location is the country of the Decoration (Israel), between the North Syria and the South Egypt, will be the epicenter, that is to say the place from which will begin the great tribulation: “During that time Michael will stand up, the great prince who is standing in behalf of your people. And there will occur a time of distress such as has not occurred since there came to be a nation until that time. And during that time your people will escape, everyone who is found written down in the book” (Daniel 12:1).

The prophecies of Zechariah and Jesus Christ are pointing to the epicenter of the great tribulation, in Jerusalem: “Jehovah will go out and war against those nations as when he fights in the day of a battle. In that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which faces Jerusalem on the east; and the Mount of Olives will be split in half, from east to west, forming a very great valley; and half of the mountain will move to the north, and half of it to the south” (Zechariah 14:3,4). “For then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again” (Matthew 24:21). The geographical place of the prophecy of Jesus Christ, regarding the great tribulation, is in Jerusalem. If the great tribulation will impact the whole world, according to the prophecies of Daniel, Zechariah and the declarations of Christ, it will have as an epicenter the Middle East and more particularly Jerusalem.

Some people think that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine can lead to a third world war, seeing a nuclear conflict that will have catastrophic effects for all of humanity. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is both the result of clumsy diplomacy (more or less voluntary, or strategic) and by the non-compliance, by the Western Bloc, including Ukraine, of the Minsk agreements (September 5, 2014, between Russia and Ukraine, concerning the Donbass region (east of Ukraine)). The entry of the Russian armies into the Donbass territory on February 24, 2022, was the continuity of the Donbass war, which began in April 2014, and which had made 13,000 victims (most of them being civilians) (before the entrance of Russian troops on Ukrainian soil (in February 2022)). If this war was caused by catastrophic diplomacy on both sides, it can be resolved diplomatically, because the parties involved are well identified state blocks. It would be enough, in this case, if there would be a political will of the two parties.

As for the conflict in the Middle East, the situation is much more inextricable because the parties involved in conflict are much more atomized in a multiplicity of rival factions. Under these conditions, peace diplomacy is much more difficult to achieve, see almost impossible. This is why, in a slightly more condensed way, we will recall some important points of the prophecy of Daniel of the two kings (11 to 12:1,2).

We must understand that this prophecy is focused on the former territory of Israel, as a symbol, in the past, of the sovereignty of Jehovah on Earth. Particularly after the Second World War (1948), in the last part of the prophecy, the narrative shows that the epicenter of the dramatic worldwide events that will lead to the Great Tribulation, is in the former promised land, the “Land of Decoration” (Daniel 11:44 -12:1).

In the beginning of the Prophecy, the king of North is the “North” in connection with Israel as “Land of Decoration”, that is Syria. The king of the South is the “South” in connection with Israel as “Land of Decoration”, that is Egypt. Though even the front of the conflict between the two Kings, has moved, over the centuries, particularly in Western Europe, the prophecy of the two Kings, in the framework of the narrative of Daniel 11, is truly “circular”: it began in Israel (in the Middle East) and will have the final fulfillment, geographically and historically, in Israel (in the Middle East), until the Great Tribulation.

The symbolism of Daniel 11:41,42, is the prophetic illustration of Zionism (Mount Zion being the place where Jerusalem is, the capital of Israel at the biblical time). According to the Bible, God gave the promised land to Israel at the time of Moses (Deuteronomy 2:1–23).

The Judaic Zionists and the American Zionists as evangelical Christian (fundamentalist Protestants), believe that the same divine law which existed at the time of Moses, at the moment of entry of the Israelites into the Promised Land, is still in effect. This prophecy shows the decisive role of the king of the south, the current world power, in the constitution of the state of Israel in 1948 and then regarding the conquest of the land of the Decoration (Palestine).

The American power has played a key political role to allow the Jewish people to have an independent state recognized by the UN. Financial aid for the purchase of arms through the American Jewish diaspora (represented by the Jewish Agency), has played a very important role in Israel’s military superiority against the Arab states. The conflicts between Arabs and Israelis have resulted, ultimately, in the confiscation of a large part of the territories of Palestine where the Arab civilian populations lived, inhabited by them in three quarters of the territory (forced to flee the fighting without the possibility to return to their home). The new nation of Israel created in 1948, ensured its territorial security by its military superiority in the conflicts, particularly with Egypt (The Six Days war (1967)).

It is written this for to describe the worldwide consequences of the conquest of the “Land of Decoration” by the king of South: “He will also enter into the land of the Decoration, and many lands will be made to stumble” (Daniel 11:41).

Indeed, the creation of the State of Israel had international consequences leading to a new form of conflict: international terrorism organized by few states or political organizations hostile to the creation of the State of Israel, until our days. Palestinian terrorist attacks, Libyans, many wars in the Middle East, in Lebanon, in Syria, in Iraq with a worldwide impact, with many civilian and military victims both in the Middle East in the world, represent, in fact, the consequences of the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, according to the prophecy of Daniel.

The conflict in Ukraine hides (by means of the media in the West) conflict in the Middle East, with extremely dangerous consequences for all of humanity. What happen? There is a text of the prophecy of Daniel, which is just before the great tribulation: “But reports out of the east and out of the north will disturb him, and he will go out in a great rage to annihilate and to devote many to destruction. And he will plant his royal tents between the grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration; and he will come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him” (Daniel 11:44,45). This prophecy shows a conflictual situation out of the north and out of the east. The North represents Syria which includes Lebanon. What link between these two countries, in particular, Lebanon, can have with the east? To understand which nation is linked with the Lebanon and Syria, it is necessary to summarize the forces involved in the Middle East.

Israel is a vassal nation of the United States. Egypt, in the southwest, an objective ally of the United States. Golf countries (Sunni Muslims) are objective allies of the United States. In addition to the explosive situation between the nation of Israel and the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, through Hamas (Sunni Muslims), there is a conflict between Sunni Muslims and Shiites Muslims particularly in Yemen, with the Saudi Arabia. This information is because Iran is an objective ally of the Yemeni forces in opposition to Saudi Arabia. Iran, a country out of the east, is the first power both political and military in the Middle East. Hezbollah is a militia, located in south Lebanon, which is financially and military helped by Iran. Thus, this link between the North and the Est in conflict with Israel are Syria and Lebanon, in connection with Iran. Israel is caught up in two conflicts, one in the Gaza Strip (where attacks take place on Israeli soil, and Israeli reprisals take place in the Gaza Strip). To the north, Israel is in conflict with Hezbollah, located in Lebanon. All these conflicts in the Middle East are “forgotten wars” (which do not have great media coverage in the West), which make many civilian victims, on both sides.

Regarding the assault of the Palestinian army of Hamas (Sunni Muslims), of October 7, 2023, this situation is worrying, because this time, the armed militias of Hezbollah, in the southern border of Lebanon (Shiites Muslims), took part in the conflict alongside Hamas. The worrying side of the situation is that Hezbollah calmed the situation with regard to Hamas’ hostility, towards Israel. Currently, this is no longer the case. We are witnessing a displacement of the Russian-Ukrainian (or Russian-American) conflict, in the Middle East. Israel has the the United States as ally, while Iran, the military power that supports Hezbollah, is an ally of Russia (in Russian-Ukrainian conflict).

According to Daniel’s prophecy, it is from this geographical place, that the beginning of the great tribulation will come (Daniel 11:44,45 to 12:1). The much more detailed explanations of this Daniel prophecy (chapter 11 to 12: 1,2), are below.

The prophecy of Daniel, the Two Kings:

English: https://yomelyah.com/435935462/435536772

French: https://yomelijah.com/435880379/434578096

Spanish: https://yomeliah.com/435875765/435163645

Portuguese: https://yomelias.com/436040572/435644186

The Joy in Hope:

English: https://yomelyah.com/

Spanish: https://yomeliah.com/

Portuguese: https://yomelias.com/

French: https://yomelijah.com/

The prophecy of Daniel:

English: http://www.yomelyah.com/435935462/

French: http://www.yomelijah.com/435880379/

Spanish: http://www.yomeliah.com/435875765/

Portuguese: http://www.yomelias.com/436040572/

End Signs:

English: https://yomelyah.com/435935818/

French: https://yomelijah.com/433839214/

Spanish: https://yomeliah.com/436031686/

Portuguese: https://yomelias.com/436041077/

The Harvests of Lives:

English: https://yomelyah.com/436586396/440414352

French: https://yomelijah.com/433839398/440377867

Spanish: https://yomeliah.com/436506774/440406706

Portuguese: https://yomelias.com/436561940/440422434

The Prophecy of Zechariah:

English: https://yomelyah.com/435935966

French: https://yomelijah.com/434578374

Spanish: https://yomeliah.com/435969803

Portuguese: https://yomelias.com/436041427

Reading the Bible:

English: https://yomelyah.com/435551334/435936045

French: https://yomelijah.com/434579029/435949980

Spanish: https://yomeliah.com/435165580/436032079

Portuguese: https://yomelias.com/435876442/436041507

How to pray:

English: https://yomelyah.com/435551334/

French: https://yomelijah.com/434579029/

Spanish: https://yomeliah.com/435165580/

Portuguese: https://yomelias.com/435876442/

The Revealed Name (The whole article):

English: https://yomelyah.com/435551334/435905207

French: https://yomelijah.com/434579029/435879959

Spanish: https://yomeliah.com/435165580/435905661

Portuguese: https://yomelias.com/435876442/436040377

The Numbers in the Bible:

English: https://yomelyah.com/436586396/440531617

Spanish: https://yomeliah.com/436506774/440520056

Portuguese: https://yomelias.com/436561940/440529640

French: https://yomelijah.com/433839398/440510423

The Memorial of the Death of Jesus Christ:

English: http://www.yomelyah.com/437355109

French: http://www.yomelijah.com/437340921

Spanish: http://www.yomeliah.com/437367698

Portuguese: http://www.yomelias.com/437409731

The prophecy of the Apocalypse:

English: http://www.yomelyah.com/440282059/

French: http://www.yomelijah.com/440281733/

Spanish: http://www.yomeliah.com/440281920/

Portuguee: http://www.yomelias.com/440282193/

The prophecy of Daniel, of the two kings:

English: https://yomelyah.com/435935462/435536772

French: https://yomelijah.com/435880379/434578096

Spanish: https://yomeliah.com/435875765/435163645

Portuguese: https://yomelias.com/436040572/435644186

The prophecy of Ezekiel, of Gog of Magog:

English: https://yomelyah.com/435935818/435936298

French: https://yomelijah.com/433839214/435949762

Spanish: https://yomeliah.com/436031686/43550214

Portuguee: https://yomelias.com/436041077/436030317

The Good Things:

English: https://yomelyah.com/436586396/

French: https://yomelijah.com/433839398/

Spanish: https://yomeliah.com/436506774/

Portuguese: https://yomelias.com/436561940/

The administration of the Christian congregation:

English: https://yomelyah.com/435551334/435936087

French: https://yomelijah.com/434579029/435950110

Spanish: https://yomeliah.com/435165580/43603224

Portuguese: https://yomelias.com/435876442/436041825

The seven congregations:

English: https://yomelyah.com/440282059/435871858

French: https://yomelijah.com/440281733/4338396444

Spanish: https://yomeliah.com/440281920/436031915

Portuguee: https://yomelias.com/440282193/436041341



Yomelijah Yomelijah

“But as these things start to occur, stand up straight and lift up your heads, because your deliverance is getting near” (Luke 21:28) http://yomelyah.com/