What should the “holy ones” do at the beginning of Jehovah’s Day (the great tribulation)

Yomelijah Yomelijah
Published in
7 min readJul 14, 2023

What should the “holy ones” do at the beginning of Jehovah’s Day (the great tribulation)? The holy ones (according to biblical etymology) are humans “apart”, by God, in view of everlasting life, in heaven (for the 7,000 which will complete the group of 144,000 (Apocalypse 11:11–13)), either on earth (the great crowd that will come out of the great tribulation (Apocalypse 7:9–17)).

Jehovah’s Day corresponds to the great tribulation. Jehovah’s Day corresponds to the worldwide fulfillment of the Atonement Day (the Yom Kippur) (Hebrews 10:1). The process of this dramatic celebration is described in Leviticus 16. Obviously, we are no longer under the Law, therefore, we must understand the spiritual meaning of what we must do while respecting the process linked to Jehovah’s Day (Romans 10:4). It is the book of the Apocalypse which gives the precise answer on what to do at the very beginning of this Day (at sunset in Jerusalem). The apocalypse book is the worldwide description of the fulfillment of Jehovah’s Day, the great tribulation (Apocalypse 11:18,19 and Chapters 14 and 19).

In Leviticus 16:12.13, it is written: “He will then take the fire holder full of burning coals from the altar before Jehovah and two handfuls of fine perfumed incense, and he will bring them inside the curtain. He will also put the incense on the fire before Jehovah, and the cloud of the incense will envelop the Ark cover, which is on the Testimony, so that he may not die”.

Now here is what is written in Apocalypse 8, just before the seven trumpets, the beginning of the celebration of what will start the Jehovah’s Day: “When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and seven trumpets were given to them. Another angel, holding a golden incense vessel, arrived and stood at the altar, and a large quantity of incense was given him to offer it with the prayers of all the holy ones on the golden altar that was before the throne. The smoke of the incense from the hand of the angel ascended with the prayers of the holy ones before God. But right away the angel took the incense vessel, and he filled it with some of the fire of the altar and hurled it to the earth. And there were thunders and voices and flashes of lightning and an earthquake. And the seven angels with the seven trumpets prepared to blow them” (Apocalypse 8:1–6).

In the former process, the high priest presented the perfumed incense inside the curtain, that is to say, in the Most Holy, representing the presence of Jehovah God. In Apocalypse 8, an angel performs exactly the same process by presenting incense in the presence of Jehovah God. This passage is the spiritual meaning of Leviticus 16:12,13, when the high priest presented the incense in the symbolic presence of Jehovah, in front of the Ark of the Covenant, “inside the curtain”. Consequently, the angel who presents in his hands, the spiritual incense, the prayers of the holy ones, is none other than the mediator of the prayers of the holy ones, Jesus Christ the high priest (Hebrews 3: 1 (Jesus Christ is the high priest.); 1 Timothy 2:5 (Jesus Christ is the only mediator)). According to all biblical information, it is the king and high priest Jesus Christ who will organize the dramatic celebration of the Day of Jehovah, his Father (the great tribulation): as king and judge of humanity (Matthieu 25:31–46) and as a high priest who will destroy the whole of this human system (Apocalypse 14 and 19).

The Apocalypse book, clearly explains that this incense represents “the prayers of the holy ones before God”, this important process of the prayers of the holy ones, of half an hour, mentioned in verse 1 to 4. Fire, was hurled on the earth. That is the great tribulation, which follows the half hour of prayers of the holy one: “But right away the angel took the incense vessel, and he filled it with some of the fire of the altar and hurled it to the earth. And there were thunders and voices and flashes of lightning and an earthquake. And the seven angels with the seven trumpets prepared to blow them”. Compare with Apocalypse 11:19: “And the temple sanctuary of God in heaven was opened, and the ark of his covenant was seen in his temple sanctuary. And there were flashes of lightning and voices and thunders and an earthquake and a great hail”. The vision of the Ark of the Covenant only visible on Tishri, 10 (Ethanim), precedes the great tribulation, the Day of Jehovah: “And there were flashes of lightning and voices and thunders and an earthquake and a great hail”.

Thus, in a very concrete way, after sunset in Jerusalem, the heavenly holy ones and the earthly holy ones, must pray Jehovah, burning the spiritual incense, in praise for our God, for about half an hour (Apocalypse 8:1–6). These prayers of praise addressed to Jehovah God, at the very beginning of his Great Day, can draw inspiration from the book of Psalms, particularly from 145 to 150. Obviously, each holy one will express their gratitude according of his heart towards Jehovah God, the Father. This half hour prayer will have to be carefully prepared: “May my prayer be as incense prepared before you, My uplifted hands like the evening grain offering” (Psalms 141:2). This important spiritual process should precede the great tribulation, see the rapture of the 7000, in the heavens (Apocalypse 13:11–13; 1 Thessalonians 4:17).

After that, the book of Isaiah, explains precisely what to do during these 24 hours of great tribulation, of Jehovah’s Day: “Go, my people, enter into your interior rooms, and shut your doors behind you. Hide yourself for but a moment until the denunciation passes over. For, look! Jehovah is coming forth from his place to call to account the error of the inhabitant of the land against him, and the land will certainly expose her bloodshed and will no longer cover over her killed ones” (Isaiah 26:20.21). Thus, like Rahab and his family, at the time of the earthquake of Jericho, which destroyed all of the huge walls of this city, the people that God will have chosen for survival to the great tribulation, will have to enter into the interior rooms, for 24 hours, the time of Jehovah’s Day (Joshua Chapter 6).

What is the attitude to have during Jehovah’s Day, which will be dramatic? We find the clear answer in Leviticus 16:31: “It is a sabbath of complete rest for you, and you should afflict yourselves. It is a lasting statute”. Consequently, this affliction and this sadness must be accompanied by 24 hours of fasting and sexual abstinence (Joel 2:15.16 (fasting and sexual abstinence); Zachariah 12:14 (sexual abstinence, “women by themselves”)). We must invoke the name of Jehovah and to ask God, for the forgiveness of our sins on the basis of the blood of Jesus Christ (Joël 2:32 and Apocalypse 7:9,14).

Special message to the attention of Christians who say that no one can know neither the day nor the hour: “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father” (Matthew 24:36).

This declaration of Christ pronounced in 33 AD, is obviously circumstantial. For example, he said that neither him nor the angels know the time. Can we say that currently, King Jesus Christ, the one who will provoke the great tribulation (according to Apocalypse 19), knows neither the day nor the hour? In addition, approximately more than sixty years later, in the book of the Apocalypse, Jesus Christ glorified, suggested that the disciples awake spiritually could know the day and the time: “Certainly unless you wake up, I will come as a thief, and you will not know at all at what hour I will come upon you” (Apocalypse 3:3). This declaration of Christ clearly suggests that Christians awake spiritually would understand when the day and the time would be. In addition, Jehovah made this declaration: “For the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a thing Unless he has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7). This text shows that Jehovah always ends up revealing the confidential thing (even shortly before his intervention) to his servants awake spiritually (compare the narrative of the flood of Noah, where Jehovah warns Noah seven days ahead, in Genesis 7:4, with Matthew 24:36–42).

Anyway, due to the great danger of Jehovah’s Day and the great tribulation, the precautionary principle should be applied, in order to be prepared for our own everlasting salvation, even if some sincere Christians would not be very sure of this moment. It is good, in the current circumstance, to remember the question asked by Jesus Christ regarding the faith: “Nevertheless, when the Son of man arrives, will he really find this faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8).

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Yomelijah Yomelijah

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