Yope are nexuslab blockchain finalists!

Rhian Lewis
Digital Chains
Published in
2 min readApr 14, 2016
One of the bike frames that will receive a SafeBike chip

You know that feeling when you’ve been working really hard on something and it all suddenly falls into place?

At Yope, we all got that feeling yesterday when we found out we were one of the ten finalists chosen out of 260 blockchain startups from all over Europe to join the first cohort of the nexuslab virtual bootcamp.

Weeks of prototyping and pitching, on top of all the work we’d already done, has paid off, and the team are unbelievably excited about the opportunity.

We kick off with the first weekend hangout in Amsterdam in just over a week, followed by workshops in London and Berlin. Given that we have team members in two of these cities already, it’s going to be a great opportunity to get our team together and benefit from the expert mentoring and motivation we will receive.

If you haven’t heard of Yope yet, we’re a collective of software professionals based in Berlin, all brought together through work connections and our mutual interest in blockchain technology.

We’re an integral part of the booming blockchain scene in Berlin, and last year presented our API at what was then the Berlin Bitcoin Startups meetup. Since then, we have taken space at the Transistor blockchain co-working space. And of course, like any good Berlin startup, we have been known to buy the odd beer or two at Room 77.

I joined the team last year, and am currently working remotely in London before rejoining my colleagues in Berlin in June — the nexuslab news has made me even happier to be returning.

So, what have we achieved so far?

We’ve launched an open-source, Bitcoin-integrated payment API and earlier this year were a BlockgrantX award winner for our Ethereum-based careers networking API, currently in progress.

We won’t say too much about our new application, SafeBike, except that we have prototyped it and are now in the development phase.

And a bicycle manufacturer is in the process of integrating an NFC chip into the frame of one of his new models for us.

We’ll give frequent updates here — watch this space for the latest news.

The ten-day countdown until we meet our peers and mentors face-to-face for the first time has started!



Rhian Lewis
Digital Chains

Technologist, #Ruby, #blockchain & #cryptocurrency. Co-developer #altcoin portfolio tracker CountMyCrypto. Author of The Cryptocurrency Revolution