Yoshi Member Spotlight Series

Bryan Frist
Yoshi Mobility blog
2 min readFeb 7, 2017

At Yoshi, we work tirelessly to make sure all of our members across the country have a delightful experience that transcends simply getting their vehicles filled up with gas.

We offer complimentary tire checks, car washes, details, wiper blade changes, and a growing list of other services. If you’re lucky, we might even drop candy or lotto tix on your car as well (#yoshidrop).

Above all else, we give you time back so you can focus on doing what you love with the people — and animals — you love (the average person spends 8 hrs at the gas pump each year!). With Yoshi, no more time spent sitting at the smelly pump in the freezing cold or running late to dinner with the family because you had to stop in rush hour traffic (#pumpnomore).

Over the past two years, we have been flooded with testimonials and notes from our members across the country (see one below written to a member of our support staff). Starting this week, we will be posting some of these testimonials in a series we are calling our “Member Spotlight Series” (#yoshispotlight).

Hope you enjoy!

PS — If you have any stories about your experience with Yoshi, feel free to submit a testimonial and picture to testimonials@startyoshi.com!

