Yoto Talks TED: Tyler DeWitt on making science fun

At Yoto, we’re big fans of learning and research. In fact we are slightly obsessed with sharing interesting content — particularly from the likes of TED. In this series of blog posts, I will be sharing some of our favourite TED talks with you, and discussing why they might be relevant to you as parents and fans of Yoto.

Tyler DeWitt on making science fun

To a child, if something is fun — then it’s important. And if it’s important, of course they’ll focus energy on it — that’s human nature, to be inquisitive and look to master something. But the fun starts first. By making teaching fun — like crazy fun using secret agent viruses — Tyler DeWitt shows how science can be fun. Which is obvious — science is full of slime, and shape-shifting, and magical colour-changing stuff, and explosions. But science text books are boooooorrrrring. Tyler shows how complex things can be explained in a joyful way. I wish he’d been my science teacher.

Tyler’s approach to storytelling within learning is something we’re taking into our facts on Yoto. Sure, kids will listen to history, and geography, and science and facts on Yoto. But we’re going to make sure that it’s done in a way that makes the big stuff stick and creates interest in a multitude of topics. We hope we’ll make kids care about filling their heads with loads of stuff.

