Artificiality Bites đź’Š Issue #14

Jaime Durán
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3 min readOct 26, 2020

Hello Human! This is a new issue from my weekly newsletter, holding a tiny compilation made of interesting articles from last week, projects, tutorials and tools; all related to Data, Artificial Intelligence and adjacent topics. Bon appetit!

đź“ť Interesting articles this week

đź’ˇ Projects

  • The case for a learned sorting algorithm 8'
    Machine Learning focusing on a classic computer science problem: sorting. Learned Sort outperforms the next best competitor by a factor of 1.49x on a 1 billion item dataset, including the model training time.

🔧 Tutorials

📦 Repositories

  • google-research/multilingual-t5
    Multilingual T5 (mT5) is a pretrained text-to-text transformer model covering 101 languages. It achieved state-of-the-art performance on many cross-lingual NLP tasks.
  • airctic/icevision
    An agnostic object detection framework that connects to different libraries such as Fastai, Pytorch Lightning, and Pytorch.
  • adamerose/pandasgui
    An interactive GUI for managing and visualizing Pandas DataFrames
  • emeryberger/scalene
    A high-performance and high-precision CPU / memory profiler for Python

🎓 Courses / Events

  • Stanford MLSys Seminar Series
    Stanford researchers started a series of talks on how machine learning changes the modern programming stack. They’re livestreaming each talk on YouTube, and all videos are made available after.
  • Spatial Data Science Conference 2020
    The SDSC2020 conference (October 19th — 23rd) held a series of presentations and workshops covering cutting-edge techniques in spatial modeling, machine learning, spatial statistics, geo-processing at scale, and novel uses of spatial data sets. Videos are now available.

🚀 Extra bits

Source: petapixel

👉 Newsletter en Español
đź‘‹ See you next week!



Jaime Durán

Yet another data scientist with a blog. In fact I write two (uno en español)