Artificiality Bites 💊 Issue #43

Jaime Durán
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3 min readJun 7, 2021

Hello Human! This is a new issue from my weekly newsletter, holding a tiny compilation made of interesting articles from last week, projects, tutorials and tools; all related to Data, Artificial Intelligence and adjacent topics. Eet smakelijk!

📝 Interesting publications this week

🔧 Tutorials

📦 Repositories

  • neuralmagic/sparseml
    SparseML is a toolkit that includes APIs, CLIs, scripts and libraries that apply state-of-the-art sparsification algorithms such as pruning and quantization to any neural network.
  • giswqs/leafmap
    A Python package for geospatial analysis and interactive mapping with minimal coding in a Jupyter environment.
  • facebookresearch/PyTouch
    PyTouch is a machine learning library for tactile touch sensing.
  • jtpio/jupyterlite
    JupyterLite is a JupyterLab distribution that runs entirely in the browser built from the ground-up using JupyterLab components and extensions.
  • fchollet/deep-learning-with-python-notebooks
    Jupyter notebooks for the code samples of the book “Deep Learning with Python” by François Chollet.
  • google-research/byt5
    ByT5 is a tokenizer-free extension of the mT5 model. Instead of using a subword vocabulary like most other pretrained language models (BERT, XLM-R, T5, GPT-3), the ByT5 model operates directly on UTF-8 bytes, removing the need for any text preprocessing.
  • csjliang/LPTN
    Official implementation of the paper ‘High-Resolution Photorealistic Image Translation in Real-Time” (CVPR 2021).
  • JoelForamitti/agentpy
    AgentPy is an open-source framework for the development and analysis of agent-based models in Python.
  • nocodb/nocodb
    Turns any MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, SQLite & MariaDB into a smart-spreadsheet, like Airtable.

🎓 Courses / Events

  • Mathematical Tools for Data Science (NYU)
    This course taught by Carlos Fernandez-Granda at New York University this year provides an introduction to mathematical tools for data science drawn from linear algebra, Fourier analysis, probability theory, and convex optimization.
  • Deep Learning Specialization (Coursera)
    A new specialization from Develop practical skills to deploy data science projects effectively and overcome machine learning challenges using Amazon SageMaker.

🚀 Extra bits


👋 See you next week!



Jaime Durán

Yet another data scientist with a blog. In fact I write two (uno en español)