Artificiality Bites 💊 Issue #45

Jaime Durán
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3 min readJun 22, 2021

Hello Human! This is a new issue from my weekly newsletter, holding a tiny compilation made of interesting articles from last week, projects, tutorials and tools; all related to Data, Artificial Intelligence and adjacent topics. Njóttu máltíðarinnar!

📝 Interesting publications this week

🔧 Tutorials

  • GPT-J-6B Inference Demo
    This notebook demonstrates how to run the GPT-J-6B model. See the link for more details about the model, including evaluation metrics and credits.
  • Facial Landmarks, a Solution in Deepfakes 9'
    There are several different methods we can use to detect facial landmarks as features for the task of fake content generation. This publication covers three of the most widely used methods: OpenCV, dlib, and MTCNN.
  • Image Captioning with Keras 13'
    Implement an image captioning model using a CNN and a Transformer.

📦 Repositories

  • speechbrain/speechbrain
    SpeechBrain is a toolkit for developing state-of-the-art speech systems, like speech recognition, speaker recognition, speech enhancement, multi-microphone signal processing and many others.
  • facebookresearch/AugLy
    Augly is a data augmentation library for audio, image, text and video, supporting over 100 different augmentations.
  • PrithivirajDamodaran/Styleformer
    A Neural Language Style Transfer framework to transfer natural language text smoothly between fine-grained language styles like formal/casual, active/passive, and many more.
  • serengil/chefboost
    Chefboost is a lightweight decision tree framework for Python with categorical feature support. It covers regular decision tree algorithms (ID3, C4.5, CART, CHAID and regression tree) plus some advanced techniques (gradient boosting, random forest and adaboost).
  • shankarpandala/lazypredict
    Lazy Predict builds a lot of basic models with a few lines of code in order to figure out which models work better without any parameter tuning.
  • neuralchen/SimSwap
    An Efficient Framework For High Fidelity Face Swapping.

🎓 Courses / Books / Events

🚀 Extra bits


👋 See you next week!



Jaime Durán

Yet another data scientist with a blog. In fact I write two (uno en español)