YottaChainMENA Weekly Newsletter (May Wk 4)

Published in
4 min readJun 8, 2020

News and Updates from YottaChainMENA

1st June 2020 | Dubai, UAE

Greetings our YottaChainMENA followers and community members, it’s good to connect with you once again!

It’s hard to believe that another month has ended and we have said goodbye to May. It has been a truly eventful month for us here and we are anticipating that June will be even busier, as the growth of our business continues to gather even more momentum.

One of the things that we have noticed particularly in the last month, is the huge number of new inquiries we have received. These inquiries have ranged from blockchain enthusiasts interested in our cutting-edge patented technology, to crypto investors wanting to know more about income opportunities with us, to those eager to book one of our free tailored education sessions.

Although details on all of these topics can be found throughout our website pages, the following contact email addresses will also be helpful. Just contact us on the most applicable email and a member of our friendly team will get in touch to provide you with the assistance you need.

General Enquiries: info@yottachainmena.com

Collaboration: pekka@yottachainmena.com

Income Opportunities: simon@yottachainmena.com

Media and Community: alison@yottachainmena.com

Alternatively, you can scan the QR Code below and join our Telegram Group, where you will be able to contact a member of our admin team, who will be pleased to help.

Weekly Summary

It’s been a very important and busy week for us, preparing for the next webinar in our live introductory series. After the success of the first webinar, we have spent time reviewing all of the excellent feedback and questions received from the attendees. The engagement and participation has been incredible and is helping us with the preparation of the second live webinar, which will be broadcast in June. This second webinar will include even more value-driven information, as well as details of more exciting offers and opportunities.

The entire YottaChainMENA team is extremely excited about the continued development of our Decentralised Data Storage platform. The Technical Development Team is making incredible progress with the platform, as well as with the supportive tools around it.

We were also excited to announce yet another milestone this week, as we passed 1,000 subscribers to our business. We want to warmly thank all of our valued subscribers… you are what makes the YottaChainMENA movement so special!

We have also made huge progress with our Cayman Licensing, having received the certification. This exciting and hugely important step means that we can now LAUNCH OUR TOKEN! This is a significant step in the growth of the YottaChainMENA business and, more importantly, a significant opportunity for our Investors, Partners and Community members. So please stay tuned for upcoming incentives as we prepare to launch the Token.

Webinar Update

As we reported last week, our first live webinar was a HUGE success. This live event was the first of a series of three special webinars and, if you were unfortunate enough to miss it, you can still catch the replay by CLICKING THIS LINK!

Our second live webinar in this first series of three will focus on our unique patented technology, as well as the income opportunities available by joining with YottaChainMENA. And with financial analysts predicting an economic downturn post-coronavirus, there has never been a better time to review new opportunities to generate a passive income. This second webinar is not to be missed and we will be confirming the date very soon, so please look out for further announcements.

Have you schedule your tailored education session with us yet? As part of our global commitment to the development and integration of blockchain for the benefit of everyone, we offer free training and education for qualifying companies and individuals. That’s right, it’s entirely on us! The education sessions are fun and informal and to find out how you can book one, just reach out to us through our CONTACT PAGE!

More updates to follow next week, but until then, stay home, stay healthy and stay connected through our social media channels!

The team at YottaChainMENA

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Chief Marketing Officer at YottaChainMENA/ Cryptocurrency Investment Consultancy & Investor/ Blockchain Enthusiastic