Always Work To Make Better Art

J Cleveland Payne
You Already Know The Answers
1 min readJun 24, 2016
This…Is Actually Pretty Good Art.

Originally Posted At

You are not mistaken.

You could have easily crafted that poorly written article that is currently being shared across the internet by that somewhat famous person that no one remembers why they became somewhat famous.

And if you would have crafted the same article, the only real responses you would have expected to receive would be from internet grammar trolls. And maybe you mom, siding with the internet grammar trolls.

Here is the truth: many people producing bad art, literature, and science are more famous than you. Their fame precedes them, and so does their potential to gather audiences. Not the actual art they produce for those audiences.

It is not fair, but you should never stoop to the level of producing bad art for the sake of matching more popular artists who produce mostly bad art.


J Cleveland Payne is a writer that wishes he was more famous. You can help him reach his desired level of fame by reading his writing here on Medium, at the Your Better You Project, or his personal blog at Like everyone else on the internet, you can find him on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.



J Cleveland Payne
You Already Know The Answers

Producer of content working to make sure more of it is ‘better.’ Sees more failure than success. Learns from both. Tries to maintain