5 Reasons Why Most People Wear a Mask

Shreya Roy
You and Us
Published in
3 min readJan 3, 2019

We all wear masks of our own.

In the current generation, we are all afraid to show our real selves to the world. Why? well, there is a large section of people, namely ‘judgmental people’ in the society that we are living in. They will be after us no matter how we are or whatever opinions we may have. This is precisely why we cannot expose our insecurities to the world. The fear of not being accepted for who we are is what makes us want to wear our masks.
But what are really the main reasons behind the majority of us wearing masks?

Let’s find out.

I. Fear of Being Judged: We are all afraid of being judged, let’s face it. None of us want to show our real selves to the world since we feel 99% of people won’t like us for who we truly are.

II. Fear of Non-belonging: Most of us want to get a feeling of belongingness wherever we go, and whoever we interact with in life. Precisely why we tend to mask ourselves from reality.

III. Hiding our Weakness: It’s unfortunate to find ourselves hiding our flaws so as to blend in with our kind. Most of us have to hide our weakness in order to succeed in life. If only that was not the case, the world would have been such a different ball game!

IV. No Self-satisfaction: We are never ever satisfied with ourselves, and hope to be someone we aren’t. Perhaps the reason behind this is low self-esteem due to various pressures from the society in itself.

V. Please to Fit in: We often want to please others so as to fit in with them. We put on the masks so as to be liked by others and thereby meet the social standards. Not something to feel good about, but in reality, at times we have no choice.

Can you think of any other reasons as to why we need to wear masks in life?

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