How To Avoid Fake People

The Key Lies Right Here

Shreya Roy
You and Us
3 min readJan 9, 2019


Perhaps something is wrong with our choices when it comes to choosing the people we really want in our lives. End result? Us getting hurt in the process. Now there definitely has to be an explanation about this, wouldn’t you agree? This is where the terms ‘fake people’ come into existence.

The next question here is, how can one avoid such people? Let’s dive deeper right away.

I. Check our relationship with them:

Some people may be fake, while others may find it hard to connect with us. If we have people in our lives who are ‘friends’ with us with a certain intention, those people might be fake. Most people want to be in touch with us only because they need something from us. Relationships are all a game to them.

II. Determine if they really are fake:

If people are fake, we must consider what they might be trying to gain from us by pretending to be our friends. They might:

· Talk about us behind our back.

· Use us for their benefit in the most inhuman ways.

· Use us in order to get close to someone whom we are close to.

· Try to get important information from us.

· Only talk to us when they need something.

III. Keep contact as less as possible:

The lesser we deal with negative people, the better it will be for us. Keeping distance is the key to getting rid of fake people from our lives. For starters, we can politely decline invites to hanging out by simply saying “I’m sorry, I can’t right now.” The main objective is to free ourselves from fake people around us. However, we mustn’t try to avoid them directly. Gradually does the trick. In the process, they will realize the same & thereby stop bothering us as well.

IV. Ask for advice from trustworthy people:

Just having one or two people who genuinely know the real us and care is enough for us to survive in life. Therefore, who else to look back to if not them? Not only will they be the best support system for us but also provide us with valuable advice on what to do in order to get rid of certain fake people from our lives.

V. Plan before hand:

We must be mentally prepared if we want to officially end your friendship/ relationship with that person. Unlike most people, we must ensure NOT to break our relationship/ friendship through a text. Moreover,we must be bold enough to call or meet that person face to face and settle the matter.

Link: Can you think of any other ways to deal with fake people?

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