A Simple Technique From The Queen Of The Law of Attraction To Manifest Daily Positive Experiences

Bend reality with the power of Segment Intending

Anthony V. Lombardo
You Are A Conscious Creator


Photo credit: lexica.art

Esther Hicks is practically the Queen of The Law of Attraction.

Along with her late husband, Jerry Hicks, the couple gained recognition for their teachings on the Law of Attraction, in which they claimed to channel a spiritual entity known as Abraham, who shared profound wisdom on manifesting and deliberate creation.

Segment Intending is one of the many techniques that Abraham shared with them and offers a practical approach to manifesting your desires. It is based on the understanding that our reality is made up of various segments or moments, and by deliberately intending and focusing our thoughts during these segments, we can shape our experiences in a desired direction, essentially bending reality.

Setting a clear intention is the first step to manifesting — and Segment Intending essentially puts that idea into an easy-to-do exercise that becomes a powerful tool for creating positive experiences throughout your day.

If you are new to manifesting or find the whole idea a bit woo-woo, this technique might be perfect for you.



Anthony V. Lombardo
You Are A Conscious Creator

Anthony V. Lombardo is a meditation artist, explorer of consciousness, and website consultant for Spiritual Entrepreneurs. Join the Tribe: https://rb.gy/0650g