You Are A Conscious Creator Newsletter

On The Stroke Of Insight, The Formula For All Life, And The 4 Universal Healing Salves

Anthony V. Lombardo
You Are A Conscious Creator


Photo by dario.explore via Instagram

It’s been a while since I posted one of these curated pieces here on Medium. Here are four shots of higher consciousness for you today.

Let me know in the comments which one resonates the most.

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My Stroke Of Insight

Jill Bolte Taylor

This is one of the most educational and fascinating pieces of content you can stumble upon on the internet, and I don’t say that lightly. But there’s a reason why this Ted Talk from 2008 is still one of the most popular talks of all time: 28 million and counting to be exact.

In this video, neuroscientist Jill Bolte Taylor details her astonishing story of experiencing a massive stroke that nearly shut off her entire rational left side of the brain. The result? An otherworldly experience where she functioned mainly from the intuitive and kinesthetic right brain — slipping into pockets of euphoria, connectedness, complete well-being, and peace.

If you ever wanted to understand in the simplest of terms how our brains work and how our consciousness gets created, you will walk away fascinated.



Anthony V. Lombardo
You Are A Conscious Creator

Anthony V. Lombardo is a meditation guide, explorer of consciousness, and digital consultant for Spiritual Entrepreneurs. Join the Tribe: