My Wish

Leah Marie Evenstar
You Are Infinite
Published in
2 min readAug 1, 2024
Image by author

My wish for all beings:

That you rise to meet every challenge that crosses your path and come out wiser and stronger on the other side.

That your path be lined with blessings big, small and everything in between.

That your heart be open to give and receive love, no matter what you’ve been through.

That your dreams become realities in bigger ways than you imaged they would and that the time it takes for them to arrive seems like no time has passed at all.

That your relationships be full of love, understanding and nourishment.

That you be pleasantly surprised every day you get to rise and shine.

That you cease to be amazed by the wonders of the human experience.

That your stories be full of positivity and infinite possibilities.

That you have laughter and play in your life no matter what age you are.

That you are able to love yourself unconditionally.

That you receive what you need before you even know you need it.

That you know when to act, when to embrace stillness and how to overcome ALL fear that crosses your path.

That you share your gifts with the world and know that you are worthy of incredible happiness.

That you find it easy to stay focused on all the beauty in the world, allowing it to transform any pain and suffering.

That you embrace every moment as an opportunity to love.

That you can see clearly how much you matter to this world and those around you.

That you are able to see life as a beautiful gift full of possibilities.

That you know that you are loved and supported every step of the way.

I appreciate you and your support along this journey. If you’d like to explore more of the channeled pieces I release, please follow me and my publication You Are Infinite. Immense gratitude to you beautiful friends!



Leah Marie Evenstar
You Are Infinite

Empowerment Coach, Medium, Shaman, Artist & Author, creating space for more happiness & wonder in the world. Founder & CEO