Lean Startup in app relaunch process

You are launched
Published in
3 min readApr 11, 2020

or VPN Zone Relaunch Story

VPN Zone by RBCOM, at a first glance, is one more VPN app in the UK. But the key points of it are numerous VPN spots, high speed, and minimal app design.

The app got some average feedbacks and based on this they decided to attract more users. So, they worked on app redesign.

Rohan B. (app product manager) reached us within talent on-demand service with a request for app redesign once the design was ready. As it was legacy code, we’ve provided a free code review service. So, we could see what we were in need to work with. As they required app development support, there was no other option except moving forward with Time & Material work format. So, we used a pretty common Atlassian Kanban board for task management and Slack for communication.

We had a quite simple work scope: — redesign app; — dynamic pricing within AppStore payment; and — add analytics.

We would like to highlight that the main point for any startup/digital project is analytics. It is crucial as you need to hear and analyze the behavior of your customers. That’s what the VPN Zone app owner did — they added analytics to each button and user behavior in the app. As Steven Blank said:

“In a startup, the founders define the product vision and then use customer discovery to find customers and a market for that vision.” — The Startup Owner’s Manual: The Step-By-Step Guide for Building a Great Company

VPN Zone shows a nice Lean Startup move:

“A core component of Lean Startup methodology is the build-measure-learn feedback loop. The first step is figuring out the problem that needs to be solved and then developing a minimum viable product (MVP) to begin the process of learning as quickly as possible. Once the MVP is established, a startup can work on tuning the engine. This will involve measurement and learning and must include actionable metrics that can demonstrate cause and effect questions.” — TheLeanStartup.com

In other words, they made the MVP app with the main value. They gathered some feedbacks. And now, they are implementing changes that customers are asking for (Sure mainly they fixed the speed on the server-side). But, they also made app redesign, added some iOS app animations, and injected analytics regarding user behavior in the app.

So, we dug into the app redesign, and here is the result:

And implemented a simple but cute app animation design:

I wish we could share analytical data that we gathered after the app release, but you can check the app and many positive feedbacks on AppStore.

Also, we didn’t work on the Android version, but you can be download it.

And sure the landing page

Btw, RBCOM has a lot of other apps, that can be reviewed and downloaded here.

With such a result, we can proudly say, VPN ZONE, you are launched!

In case you have own app and experiencing a low traction, do not hesitate to get free consultation from Launchers.

Originally published at https://www.urlaunched.com on April 11, 2020.

