Welcome to You Are Not Alone (YANA)

You Are Not Alone
Published in
2 min readApr 17, 2017

You Are Not Alone -an online platform where people who suffer/ed with mental health illnesses can share their stories; extending it further than just a picture and a quote but providing a space (a blog) where they can share in depth about their battle and experiences with their mental health illness.

You Are Not Alone
Sharing the stories of those suffering in silence

In my video, I share how I started You Are Not Alone, my personal experience suffering from severe depression and a special thank you to those who have helped me overcome my depression - (Andy Mensan , @Soundclashfever , Eric Thomas, Gary Vaynerchuk , Casey Neistat & Steve Bartlett).

Welcome to You Are Not Alone

Thank you for taking your time to watch my video of the story behind You Are Not Alone and my personal story.

I hope that through creating this platform for those suffering with mental health illnesses, we can create an open conversation about mental health, people can share their stories and let others know that they aren’t alone and remove the negative perception and stigma that is placed upon mental health itself.

From my personal experience of severe depression, I’ve learnt that you are never alone, there are people who have gone through or are going through the same experience as you, you have friends and people around you to help you, even if its a Counsellor.

You Are Never Alone…

Share you story

Sharing your story can help even one person to take that first step to recovering by talking.

If you want to share your story or get involved:

Share your story
Join the conversation


Contact me:

Twitter: @clevan_

Instagram: @clevan_


*I will be posting people’s stories from our instagram. They will come up as Clevan as the author. However, they aren’t my stories. Some people involved did not want to do a blog or aren’t signed up to medium, so I am sharing their story on their behalf*



You Are Not Alone

Creator of You Are Not Alone | I'm not a writer, just write what's on my mind..