Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus: The Boujee Soul Detox

♦️Dea Devidas 🌟
Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2023


Jupiter, our cosmic Santa Claus, is hitting the reverse gear in Taurus from September 4th to the end of the year! Think of it as the ultimate cosmic chill-pill, a four-month breather to flex your soul muscles and ponder life’s ultimate question: “To be boujee or not to be boujee?”

So, what’s this backward shuffle about? It’s like the Universe is giving us a shot at a mulligan. We’ve all been on a growth-spurt high, maybe even hitting peak diva materialism. And suddenly, retrograde! It’s like life telling you: “Hold my avocado toast, you need to sit down.” It’s not a cosmic punishment, darling, it’s Jupiter’s way of saying, “Let’s marinate on this, shall we?”

Shadow Boxing with the Stars Retrogrades are a divine detox. Jupiter, usually like a toddler on a sugar high, can go overboard. Cue in, Taurus shadow traits: senseless sensuality, pointless stubbornness. But if you’re more woke than a triple shot of espresso, you’ll use this time to vibe-check your life. Instead of mistaking the pause for an existential crisis, think of it as an intermission.

1. Best Use of Jupiter Retrograde

Think of this retrograde as the Universe’s self-care day for you. It’s not a pause; it’s a re-calibration. Best to sit down, have a heart-to-heart with yourself, and reflect on your wants versus needs. It’s life’s gentle nudge to tie loose ends and hit ’em life goals with more swagger post-retrograde.

2. Dominant Feeling

Mood? A blend of soulful introspection and hedonistic tendencies. One moment you’re Gandhi, pondering life’s mysteries; the next, you’re like a cat with a feather toy, wanting to pounce on every pleasure. What a ride, baby!

3. What’s Cooking and What’s Not

Do: Reflect on your comfort zones and see if they’re too snug. Upgrade your home, pamper yourself, but remember to keep one eye on the soul-compass. Don’t: Go on an impulsive shopping spree or ghost people because you’re “introspecting.” Balance, darling, balance.

4. Emotional Roller Coaster

Emotions will feel like colors at a rave — vivid yet confusing. This retrograde might have you confronting your materialistic tendencies or savoring simpler joys. It’s like mood swings, but with purpose and less drama.

5. Show Me the Money!

With Jupiter in Taurus, you might think your bank is a garden and money grows on trees. A word? Caution. This is the time to separate needs from wants. Your wallet won’t grow, but your wisdom about spending will.

6. What’s Up, Doc?

Health during this period is all about emotional nourishment. Emotional stress can manifest physically, so keep that emotional bank full. Maybe sign up for a yoga class or a pottery workshop?

7. Love in the Time of Retrograde

If your heart’s been more maze than highway, this retrograde could serve as a roadmap. Jupiter’s backspin just after Venus means relationships go from being 100-meter sprints to marathons. Pace yourself.

9. Who’s That in the Mirror?

Identity-wise, it’s a wake-up call to your “inner sensualist.” The one who enjoys touch, taste, and tickles from life. This retrograde is like your very own coming-of-age movie, sans the teen angst.

10. Time to Heal

Best to heal? Emotional baggage that keeps you from enjoying life’s earthly pleasures. Don’t let your past hold your present hostage. Get some chakra balancing, maybe? Make peace with your demons while sipping on herbal tea.

