New Moon Energies: Mastering Chaos with Grace

♦️Dea Devidas 🌟
Published in
2 min readSep 11, 2023


That New Moon on September 14, 2023, is a juicy cocktail of energies. Imagine it as a spicy margarita, where Virgo offers the tart lime, Uranus drops in some unpredictable jalapeño, and Denebola, ah, that rebel star, is like a salt rim with a dash of paprika. 🍹

What Activates in Us:

  • Virgo vibes: A hunger for precision, order, and self-improvement. You might suddenly want to Marie Kondo your entire life.
  • Uranian twists: A sudden urge to break free, innovate, or rebel against what’s been holding you back.
  • Denebola’s influence: This star might coax out your unconventional, non-conforming tendencies. A great time to stand out rather than fit in.

Flavors of Energy:

  • Practical yet Spontaneous: Like planning a road trip but taking unplanned detours to roadside attractions.
  • Methodical Anarchy: You’ll want to break some rules, but you’ll make a detailed list of which rules are okay to break.
  • Rebellious Refinement: Think punk-rock but make it high fashion.

How to Best Use Them:

  1. Dabble in Chaos: Shake up your routine just a tad. Maybe take a different route to your go-to coffee shop.
  2. Spice It Up: Add a dash of unpredictability to a project or relationship.
  3. New Ventures: A killer moment for launching something new, especially if it’s something that lets you flex your rebel muscles and show off your organizational prowess.
  4. Self-Care: Virgo’s influence makes it a great time to start a new wellness regimen. But do it with flair, darling. Forget regular yoga; try aerial yoga.

So, in a nutshell, or better yet, in a cocktail glass: be bold, be daring, but also make a damn good plan for it.

