Sexy Saga of Yin, Yang & You

♦️Dea Devidas 🌟
Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2023


It’s about the sexy, swashbuckling saga of the male energy, that rambunctious Yang. You see, Yang is the life of the party, the guy who doesn’t just bring beer but brews it. When Yin — the quiet poet of your soul — whispers a sweet idea into your ear, Yang’s the one yelling, “Let’s DO this!”

Imagine Yin as the dreamy-eyed artist sketching out masterpieces in a dimly lit cafe. In walks Yang, like a rockstar bursting onto stage, saying, “Sweet design, darling. Now, let’s make some merch and get filthy rich!”

Now, let’s get something straight: these two are like gin and tonic, baby. Yin’s receptive elegance and Yang’s go-getter machismo need each other. Each of us is a unique cocktail, a kaleidoscope if you will, of these vibes.

Here’s the sweet-and-sour part. What tickles your fancy or grinds your gears is your internal Yang saying something. Like, seriously, listen to him! You adore a brave guy? You probably loathe a coward. So, jot down your top 10 turn-ons and turn-offs about men. It’s like setting the playlist for the party of your life.

Now, there’s a little catch. Your personalized Yang isn’t just your own; it’s a family heirloom. Inherited Yang is all the men in your ancestral tree saying, “Yo, remember us?” Maybe you never touched a drop of liquor, but Grandpa was a tippler; you’ll still resonate with that energy. Get it?

So here’s your mission, should you choose to accept: first, pinpoint what makes you go “Hot damn!” or “Hell no!” Then, sit down with that list, visualize that dude, and feel it in your bones — literally. Where’s the buzz in your body? Pump light into it, like you’re tuning your inner radio. If that chakra’s spinning counter-clockwise, you need to dust it off. If it’s going with the flow, then baby, you’re golden!

The icing on this multi-layered cake is to process your “Nah, not for me” list. This is your cosmic remote control, flipping the channels between bliss and ‘WTF?!’ A little Hawaiian Ho’oponopono — saying “Sorry, love you, thank you” — will cut those negative strings like a hot knife through butter.

So, let your inner Yang play its electric guitar solo while Yin sways in the moonlight. And may the cosmic balance make you a star in your own life’s movie. Rock on!

