Calm After the Storm. It’s All Worth it in the End.

You Are Who You Are
3 min readOct 8, 2016
Camera Doesn’t Do This Justice. Sunset After Hurricane Matthew, Sunny Isles, FL. 2016.

Everyone was talking about Hurricane Matthew this week. I live in Miami/Fort Lauderdale area and was living life as usual until the calls and texts started rolling in asking me if I was prepared for the storm. Huh? Nope. Didn’t know anything about it. But that’s a different story.

The fact is I was getting messages from people outside of my state warning me of the storm as it was blasted across the country, warning many of us on the East Coast of Florida to evacuate or stock up.

I wasn’t afraid. I had never been in a hurricane, but for some reason, not even the pictures of it’s damage concerned me. I had faith I would be okay. Again, that’s a different story. The fact is, I was fortunate enough to not be touched by the storm. No damage, no power outages, nothing. Not even flooding.

But I was a lucky one. Many were devastated by the storm. In fact, the storm is still making it’s mark across the east coast. Wind, rain and rage.

But as it plows through the coast, it left something beautiful behind. A few moments ago I got a call telling me to go outside. I happen to be close to the beach so I did. I walked to the same beach I stood at during the storm yesterday with a completely different view. The sky was purple and orange everywhere. Behind the skyline of skyscrapers and across the ocean waves.

Everywhere I turned there was this beautiful imagery.

It got me thinking. Life is full of storms. They come in all shapes and sizes, but we all have them. Sometimes it feels like we have one long continuous storm, or many small ones back to back. I know I feel it. Sometimes it starts to wear me down. I begin to break. Wondering if it will ever end. But I am not a victim. I am a fighter. So I pick myself up and keep on fighting. There are moments when I wonder if it’s worth it. If the struggle and obstacles each storm throws at me is worth it in the end. And then I look up. See a glimpse of what I’m working towards. What life has to offer.

Yes. It’s all worth it. Every battle I fight, hardship I face and failure I make is worth it in the end. The end is beautiful. And far too many people give up. They think they are worthless. They think they are weak. It’s too hard. They aren’t strong enough. And none of that is true. If you can find the strength in yourself to brave the storm, and all life throws at you, you too can enjoy the beauty of your hard work.

I don’t know what life has to offer me, but I know it will be beautiful. I also know, you have something beautiful waiting for you too.

All you have to do is believe in yourself and keep on fighting. Be safe everyone during this storm, and have a little faith that you will get through it.



You Are Who You Are

Co-Founder of Progress Parenting. Entrepreneur. Introvert. Business Owner. Writer. INTJ.