How I Went From Preschool Teacher to Start Up Real Estate COO

You Are Who You Are
4 min readDec 18, 2016

Growing up I had two dreams. One was to be a teacher. I had a natural ability with kids. Maybe it was because I was the oldest of 3, and 4th oldest out of 16 cousins. I’m not sure what it was but even strangers could see it from a young age. As I grew up everyone said I’d make a great teacher, that’s the only thing anyone ever said I should be.

My other dream I was much quieter about. I grew up in a small town and didn’t travel much. Yet every time we traveled I couldn’t sleep. I would eagerly watch out the windows looking for anything ‘city-like’. Driving through cities gave me such a rush. I developed a dream I never really shared. I pictured myself as a powerful women running a business. I envisioned this happening in NYC, although at the time the only cities I knew were Boston and NYC. I kept this one a secret, it was something people judged and questioned.

As I grew up people just assumed I would be a teacher, I didn’t even try with kids, it was natural. The kind of thing where kids in public would approach me or interact with me (child initiated) and even some where parents would say there child never talks to people they know, let alone strangers. So in high school it was assumed I would be a teacher. I mentioned business to a couple people and everyone I talked to said “I debated between teaching and business, I chose business and regret it”. I was nudged in the teaching direction. And so 3.5 years later I had a BS in Early Childhood Education and a few other things that came along with it.

A year into teaching I felt not challenged. Like I had mastered it. I was confused. I thought I was to be a teacher my whole life. Why was I losing interest so quickly? I panicked. Applied to Grad school and was accepted. I thought this was the answer, but even before I started I knew I still wouldn’t be happy. I was looking for new jobs, but there were minimal options and nothing seemed interesting. Then one day, my boss said “Elizabeth, you have grown quicker than any teacher I have known and you’ve outgrown us. I don’t know how to challenge you anymore, I’m afraid of losing you.”

Wait, what?!

Yes. My boss said this to me. At a time when I was running a class of 10 3/4 year olds by myself, the youngest lead teacher at 22. This was eye opening. Not only was I not feeling challenged, my boss couldn’t challenge me. I panicked even more.

Shortly after I was talking with a co-teacher (who I hadn’t told this to), and Out of the blue they said they didn’t think I wanted to be a teacher anymore. That day I called my mom, and told her I was quitting my job. 4 days later I quit.

Now what? Everyone asked me.

No clue. But I needed a change. So I packed my bags and my car and drove 1500 miles to South Florida with 26k in my bank. I started shopping the real estate market. Searching for properties to buy with the money I saved over the past few years. I decided I’d invest and then figure things out. Three months later I bought a condo, rented out the rooms to college kids and started my real estate property management company with my current business partner.

I knew nothing about business or real estate. But my back was against the wall, it was time to figure it out.

15 months later, my start-up has moved passed start-up phase and I’ve stepped into the COO role. It’s been a interesting journey with lots of ups and downs. I’ve failed. I’ve succeeded. I’ve learned. And most of all, I’ve grown immensely. I’ve never been more challenged in my life- and I love that.

There’s never a dull moment. No two days are the same. I’m forced to have uncomfortable conversations. I am pushed way past my comfort zone. It’s wonderful.

When I share my story people are amazed. It’s not every day someone from small town Vermont leaves their comfortable, stable job and family to move to a city full of unknown. But my story is mine. I chose to make it this way. You can chose how you want to write your story.

I chose to be fearless and make drastic changes in my life because I was unhappy. I chose to challenge myself. I chose to break the mold. I chose to be the black sheep. I chose to follow my dreams. I didn’t let emotions, friends, family, comfort, stability, safety or anything else stop me.

Far too many people sacrifice their dreams because of fear. I refuse to let fear control me. I’m writing my own story. You can too. I hope my story inspires someone to take a risk, make changes in their lives to live better and follow their dreams.

No one, not even me, ever thought I’d do something so “crazy” and drastic. But it’s what I needed to do. Live the life you want to, do what you need to do.



You Are Who You Are

Co-Founder of Progress Parenting. Entrepreneur. Introvert. Business Owner. Writer. INTJ.