I’m Inspired By You.

You Are Who You Are
3 min readSep 30, 2016

In the past few days I’ve heard “Wow, I’m so inspired by you” by two different people, both 4–6 years older than me (I’m 24) and both complete strangers. Now I’m rather humble, I get awkward when people say things like this. And when they continue to repeat it, I get even more awkward. But, I’m secretly grateful and relieved even, to hear these words. Why? Because I’m human. And because I don’t always see how beautiful everything is, even if it’s right in front of me.

So I’m taking a minute, looking at my surroundings and realizing while there are bumps and obstacles I’m facing right now, it’s my story.

And my story is beautiful.

Here I am. Sitting in my office. Looking around. I see the desks of my employees and agents, I see the file cabinets with all of our clients information is locked up. Most importantly, I see the product of all of the sleepless nights. All the stress. All of the sacrifices made in the past year. Mistakes made. It all lead me to this. Three offices. A business card that says Chief Operating Officer. Equity in 6 properties. Edited and developed a book that was published. Surrounded by sun and sand 365 days a year. And that’s just the beginning.

I smile.

These guys are right. I do have an amazing story. Insipring. Yet it’s easy to get caught up in moment, focus on the negative and get stressed or frustrated because things aren’t where you want them to be. I will be the first to admit this happens to me. Just this week I was feeling overwhelemed and stressed over things that seem trivial when I reflect on them.

Why should I let the small things stress me out when I have done so much in just the past year? Really, I should be looking back at everything that has happened in the past 12–13 months and smile! Because if this we what I can do in just one year, imagine where I will be this time next year?

Okay so at times I am a little broken. At times I let stress, frustration and anger get the best of me. And these small moments are learning moments for me.

What did I learn today?

Today I learned not to focus on what goes wrong. Instead, take a BRIEF moment and look back on these broken moments. Assess what went wrong and what to take from it. Now, my head is full of files. Millions of them. So I take what I learned (okay so I analyze it deeply, not briefly but hey, I’m working on it) and file it away in the LESSONS LEARNED file and then smile. Yes, smile. I smile because I know I’m one step closer to my dream. I’m one step closer to success. And I’ve added one more piece to my puzzle. I’ve inspired myself. Inspired myself to forget the bad. Learn something. Finish my story.

Now that this small (or large) broken moment is over with, I move forward. I smile at what the future holds. I smile at what I learned. And I smile at my story. I may inspire others, but most importantly? I inspire myself.

This is a piece of the beautiful story I write everyday. The best part? I am my own Author and so are you. You can inspire yourself and others too. So what’s your story or piece to your puzzle?



You Are Who You Are

Co-Founder of Progress Parenting. Entrepreneur. Introvert. Business Owner. Writer. INTJ. www.progressparenting.com