My Christmas Miracle

Nina Stetson
You Are Who You Are
3 min readNov 29, 2016
I Love You Santa

It’s funny how things seem to come about. Michael has never been interested in Santa or anything to do with Christmas time. I take that back, maybe the the blow up decorations out front of our house. He has no concept of all the commotion surrounding the holidays. He is in his own world and as happy as can be! I, on the other hand, was feeling sorry for myself. When you have children and grandchildren you have dreams for them, dreams for yourself to share with them. Santa, Easter bunny, tooth fairy, t ball, Halloween parades at school and trick or treating. Traditions, watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade together and Fourth of July celebrations.

Hunter Syndrome stole these things! Not from him because he knows nothing of them so does not miss them. It was stolen from his mama and daddy. It was stolen from aunts, uncles and Grandparents!! So the holidays are approaching and as I get older seems to get a little less exciting. The excitement comes from little ones eyes growing wide with wonder at Christmas trees, decorations and the big guy in red, Santa!! I knew from previous years that I would not be seeing that wonder and glee in my sweet little Michael’s eyes. I tell myself stop being a dolt and be thankful he is healthy and happy. When you get down to it that is ALL that matters.

Black Friday I am watching my sweet grandson. We were bored staying at home so I thought lets go to the mall. (Really the mall on Black Friday? We were really bored) Ok if I find a parking space without any drama and quickly we will park and go in. Don’t you know, we found a spot so easy. I saw people circling like buzzards with sour faces looking for spaces. And we found one right away. We go in and walk around. Stop at the Disney store where he promptly walks in front of kids and parents and turns the computer for the movies to a different one. He loves computers, laptops, tablets, phones. We got out of there right quick. Next stop, the pizza place where he had a slice and was quite happy. Time to go now and as we start walking I see Santa coming back from his break and point him out to Michael. He smiled and pointed. I couldn’t believe it he was happy to see Santa. there was no line so I took him over to see Jolly old Saint Nick and was blown over by what he did next. Michael took his hand out of mind and ran to Santa and hugged him. Not once but several times. Smiled and hugged him. I wanted to cry right there in the middle of the mall. My Christmas miracle.

You can’t convey the emotion with what happened but I told his mama and daddy and they couldn’t believe it either. I was hoping it wasn’t a fluke. The next day mama, Michael and I stop by Walmart and as mama was paying Michael takes off. No worries I know where he is going and I followed close behind to the Subway with the chips and Darn Icee Bear. Mama reaches us and I point out the mechanical Santa. She directs Michael’s attention to it and he is off like a linebacker in the NFL. He runs to Santa and tackles him almost taking him down. We are so excited at this new discovery of his and laugh as mama stands Santa back up.

My Christmas Miracle is my sweet little grandson happy and if that now includes Santa even better.

