Quit Running to Canada and Be Great America, Be Great

You Are Who You Are
7 min readNov 10, 2016

As I watched the elections last night I predicted very early on that there would be an upset. Everyone I had known, including Trump supporters, said Hillary was going to win. But deep down inside, my gut said differently. I don’t know why, I just had this feeling. So as I watched the results roll in and anxiously awaited the results of my state, Florida, I wasn’t surprised by the stats. At this point, I knew the winner was Trump and I was okay with this.

But being a native Vermonter, my Facebook was filled with hundreds of people who crumbled throughout the night as more and more states turned red. Some were still campaigning for Bernie Sanders, others packing their bags to move and all of them outraged in fear, sadness and anger. I’m sure if any of them read this, they will be shocked and outraged, but hey someone has to say the tough stuff no one wants to hear. And I can be pretty honest and blunt. So here it goes.

This morning, I was shocked and disappointed in America, but for a different reason than others. I was not upset about the election results, I was upset about how Hillary supporters took the news. I’m sure people on my Facebook are going to be outraged that I’m not upset. But I don’t care because I’m Team America. That means that I love this country and it pains me to see the immaturity of everyone who is dividing the country because they didn’t get their way. Like sore losers. Yes, I said it. Sore losers.

The point of this article is not to talk about my political beliefs, it is to remind America what we are teaching our children. I was a teacher, preschool for almost 6 years. It have my degree and teaching license. I taught my 3-year-olds to support each other. To work together, even when they didn’t want to. I focused my classroom around teaching them how to function in society. I prepared them for the outside world where I wanted them to all be fully capable, emotionally stable and caring human beings. Ones who could problem solve and see things optimistically, fight through anything.

I also taught them not to be sore losers. That you won’t always win. You won’t always agree with someone, but that is not a reason to hate or be mean. I taught them to stand up for what they believe in, peacefully. It’s okay to have a different opinion. If half of the country is filled with sadness, anger and fear and they either act upon it or run from fear- nothing good will happen. If we are filled with strength, confidence and courage we can come together as a whole and make a change. As One Nation Under God.

Both of these candidates were told they were never going to make it. Both were told to give up. Both were told their flaws over and over and over again. Yet they pushed through. Defied odds. And now, we have a new leader who many hate. What is hating Trump going to do? Nothing. What is banding together as a nation and supporting each other as well as our President going to do? Everything. We can’t show weakness, our enemies will feed off of it.

What most of America forgets is that the President has checks and balances. That we elect. We chose the Congress. We chose our representatives. And these representatives have power. That’s why we the system we do. Trump is not going to wave his magic wand and everything will change, there’s a system and a process to protect all of our rights. But this isn’t the point of my article either.

I write to those who are packing their bags to leave the country- you are setting an awful example for your children. YOU ARE RUNNING. You are showing them that it is okay to let fear run your life. You are showing them to give up. You are showing them they don’t matter. You are showing them if life knocks you down, run before anything else can happen. The world can’t change if we run. That is letting fear win and the world will crumble.

It takes courage, confidence, maturity and strength to stay when things are tough, when things don’t go your way. The best judge of character is what someone does when things get tough. It determines the successful from the failures. Complaining on Medium, Facebook and Twitter isn’t going to change anything, Trump will still be President.

I am a female entrepreneur. A Strong and Independent Business Women. I will be a powerful women. I will have massive success. I don’t need a female president to do that. I don’t need a businessman as a president to do that. I need me. I need strength, confidence, determination and courage. I will have many obstacles and I won’t let that stop me. I face every challenge with the faith that I will overcome it. Just like I do every day. Just like I have my whole life.

Stop giving your children a sad sob story on why Hillary is not president. Use this to fuel their passion, motivate them to lead change and give them the tools they need to be confident. Use this as a way for you to show them how to come together as One Nation and make changes together as a team, whether it is your ‘enemy’ or not.

I don’t run from anything. I don’t let fear dictate my life. So to all of you who are planning to run from fear but wanted to teach your children women can do anything- think about your actions. Think about the message you are telling your children. I know one day I will be able to tell my future children that it doesn’t matter who is president. It matters who you are and what your actions show. I will tell them they are the only ones who can write their story and they can be whoever or whatever they want to be. I will be proud to tell my children I stuck by my President’s side, even though I don’t agree with 100% with what they believe. That I supported my country. I worked to make a difference not just for females, for everyone.

Those who are truly strong will stand taller, and show their sons and daughters that failure isn’t an option. It may be an obstacle or a barrier. But it is not the end. We do not have our first female president, as a female, I am not discouraged. As human, I am motivated by Trumps determination and motivation to win. His strength, courage and confidence is like no other. No one thought he would ever become president and he didn’t let that stop him. More people were against him than on his side, maybe this is why so many people chose to give him a chance. See what he can do for our country- we need a fearless leader.

Being a female business owner/entrepreneur I have been told no, and told I was going to fail dozens of times. I have failed. I don’t let that stop me. I don’t run and hide. I don’t say bad things about those people who were mean to me or in my way. I get motivated. I become determined to conquer the world.

And so should you. Don’t throw a fit because we don’t have our first female president. Don’t run and hide like a coward. So Trump may have his flaws, but so does Hillary. Neither are great candidates. To me, it’s not about who won or who lost, it’s how we handle the results and how we work individually to make the world a better place. Each of us is a small piece of a large puzzle.

I would be saying the same thing if Trump lost and his supporters acted this way. Because it’s embarrassing that grown adults want to hide, give up and let someone control their environment to the point where they want to jump ship- when we don’t even know what he really is going to do- when he isn’t even in office yet. No wonder our country is a mess.

So lets take a moment and focus on what is really important. Making sure that each day you are making a difference. Making sure that as a country, no matter what we have each other’s backs. Through thick and think we are One Nation Under God, whether the President is male or female. Whether you are Democrat or Republican. It doesn’t matter. Stop being depressed, angry and full of hatred. Suck it up. Put on a smile. And set a good example for the future of our country. I don’t care who you voted for, we are all Team America.

The most important thing you can do for the future generation, the future of our country is show them how to properly handle failure. How to react appropriate to setbacks and obstacles. How to accept and deal with people who have different opinions and ideas. And give them the tools they need to one day overcome all odds. Be that first female president, or whatever they may desire.

If I have not made myself clear let me say it again. Be a role model for your children. Your neighbors. And strangers across the world. Be Great America, Be Great.



You Are Who You Are

Co-Founder of Progress Parenting. Entrepreneur. Introvert. Business Owner. Writer. INTJ. www.progressparenting.com