How Bad Can Burnout Be?

Yasmine Rammal
You Are
Published in
3 min readSep 17, 2024

I study hard. I strive to ace my exams. I get anxious. I put academic pressure on myself. I’m surround myself with a competitive environment. The cycle repeats. In the end, mental & physical exhaustion gets the best of me. So, how bad can my burnout be? Well, what exactly is burnout? If you want to define burnout using any dictionary, it would be defined as “physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress” but there’s actually much more to this. It’s about feeling hopeless, having a sense of failure or self-doubt, lacking energy and motivation, etc.

What’s even worse is that burnout can lead to depression, to put it quite frankly, its one of the symptoms of it. So how exactly was my experience with burnout? It was awful, to say the least; I abandoned most of the hobbies I enjoyed pursuing for a while and I even became distant from my studies which were my top priority which can tell you it was pretty bad. Thankfully, I overcame it, but at what cost and how?

Setting Goals for Yourself

To put a little emphasis on the “Burnout is about lacking motivation” part, lacking motivation is mainly caused by not having dreams or ambition since these are the things that really motivate a person. For example, when a person sets a goal of “Getting a Scholarship” or “Studying Abroad” he becomes more dedicated and excited to make this goal come true by working hard to achieve it thus he doesn’t experience boredom or hopelessness. If you don’t have goals for yourself to achieve, what exactly are you doing with your life? Seriously.

Try New Activities & Exit Your “Comfort Zone”

Yes, I know your day-to-day activities can become a bit boring & repetitive so why not change that up a bit? Try finding new activities. Go read that book you’ve always wanted to read. Paint whatever you find captivating. Pick up that instrument. Go try out for that one sport. Go for a walk in your favorite area & do your daily people watching; this will strangely motivate you as it did with me. When you’re at home, having your nose up a screen 24/7, watching & consuming pointless content, life can get pretty boring and pointless.

Express Your Feelings to Someone Trustworthy

A friend. A parent. A therapist. It’s very important and crucial to have a support system and someone who you can trust and resort to when faced with any mishaps or when you’re going through a difficult time. Bottling up emotions will do you more harm than good, suppressed emotions can later lead to anxiety, irritability, and moodiness. This is not what we’re looking for especially when we’re already dealing with “Burnout”. So, open up your heart to someone you’re comfortable with, someone you find trustworthy and tell them about what’s been concerning you.

In conclusion, burnout or mental exhaustion is not something anyone should take lightly. It can later lead to depression and other greater mental health problems which will have you contemplating suicide and your life decisions. So, instead of having an “I don’t care mindset” or saying “It’ll pass” maybe you should take care of this dilemma by setting goals, motivating yourself with hobbies, and even expressing your feelings. Go take care of yourself and mental health before it gets the best of you, ending up in a nutshell. Sincerely from someone who experienced mental exhaustion herself.

