Welcome to YDKTM: Unraveling the Stairs-Throwing Villain, Memes, and Design Shenanigans

Ingueri Chávez Biesdorf
You don’t know this meme
2 min readMay 15, 2023


You may not know what a Brazilian meme, Design and Zoeira have in common. But you’re about to find out!

It all started with Nazaré Tedesco. Even if you’re not Brazilian, we guarantee you’ve encountered her in one way or another. Wanna bet?

Brazil is known worldwide for exporting sugar cane, coffee and soya beans — but the main thing this country exports is memes. It is said that to create a viral meme one requires a great sense of humor, creativity, wit, and boldness — to start with. These are qualities that all Brazilians are born with, and we usually define them with a word: zoeira.

As a Brazilian living in Europe for almost a decade, I can assure you that this is a quality that is not easily found abroad (at least not here, in the northern hemisphere of the globe). Finding reasons to laugh despite everything is inherently Brazilian, and I think that’s beautiful.

So, why am I telling you all that? Are we talking about this Nazaré Tedesco or not? And what the hell is You Don’t Know This Meme?

Plus, what does design have to do with any of that??

Nazaré Tedesco

(source: tenor.com)
  • Species: Nazare Tedescus
  • Who she is: an iconic character from a Brazilian soap opera in the 2000s played by Renata Sorrah (a.k.a. the villain who threw people down the stairs)
  • And now? after the soap opera ended she turned into a meme icon that surpassed Brazilian borders by becoming the “math lady meme” and “confused lady meme” (I told you you’d know her!)

Ok… but what the hell is You Don’t know this Meme?

  • The publication: A bi-monthly Publication (originally written on our Linkedin Page)
  • The writers: Written by Ingueri Chávez Biesdorf (an incredible copywriter, and also, yours truly) and Maiane Gabriele, a super creative and unique designer (side note: none of us throw people down the stairs, we swear)
  • The why: Equipped by our innate zoeira genes, this publication will bring you design tendencies and concepts written in a witty and unboring way in 1000 words or less.

I am sold! Are you?

If you want to know more, follow our Linkedin Page.

