When AI Met Design. A (Love?) Story

Ingueri Chávez Biesdorf
You don’t know this meme
5 min readSep 21, 2023


Once upon a time, in the infinite realm of 0s and 1s, AI met Design. From that moment onwards, things were never the same again.

The Meet-Cute ✨

Once upon a time, at a fancy digital bar, far deep into the cloud, AI was sipping on a glass of pure binary on the rocks when Design bumped into him, spilling gradients everywhere!

At that moment, AI stands up, and looks from the puddle of 0s and 1s to Design saying, “Watch where you’re going! Do you know how hard it is to get a stain off of algorithms!?”.

Design was too busy trying to wipe off the vibrant hues that stained her chic attire to realise the indignation of AI, so she aloofly replied “My bad… but if you weren’t monopolizing the entire cloud with your endless data processing, maybe people could see where they’re going!”.

It wasn’t until that point that AI noticed how magnetic of a presence Design had: how it exuded creativity and innovation, or how its harmonious blend of form and function resonated deeply with the logic and patterns AI has been always looking for in a partner. “Sounds like someone needs an algorithm for coordination 😏. Fancy collaborating so you don’t crash again?”.

Design was flattered by that proposal, but she made sure to agree with it in a collected way, not to raise his hopes too much “Only if you promise not to spill your smart everywhere!”.

And so…in between that splashing of colors and codes, a great partnership was born✨✨.

Imagine this: You visit a website, and it’s like stepping into your dream living room. It knows your favorite color scheme, the layout that best fits your browsing style and even that nostalgic fondness you have for early 2000s music. That’s personalisation. It’s like your browser is suddenly wearing custom-tailored clothes (or should it be codes?), just for you. No more one size fits all!

Source: tenor.com

How does it work? Magic? (not really)

This sorcery is a combination of AI’s data processing abilities and Design’s user-centric approach. AI analyses vast sections of user data: your clicks, swipes, pauses, and even your quick retreats from websites that throw unsolicited videos at you.

Source: tenor.com

Using this data, Design tweaks the interface, offering you a unique user experience. It’s like having a barista who knows your coffee order by heart, preparing your perfect brew every time you browse.

What are their babies going to look like?

The partnership between AI and Design may gift us with their progeny, here are some potential offsprings:

1. Dynamic UIs

Imagine a world where your user interface evolves based on your usage. It’s as if your apps tune their instruments to play your favorite song, matching whatever mood you’re having.

Source: tenor.com

2. Emotion-Driven Design

With AI’s ability to recognise and respond to user emotions (using advanced sensors like facial recognition or even detecting how you scroll), we could soon be in an era where your interface responds to your mood and creates a user experience that’s even more tuned into your vibe.

Source: tenor.com

3. AR & VR Integration

From the partnership between AI and Design, Virtual and Augmented Reality could become everyday tools. It’s already happening, right? Ask Apple 😉

Source: tenor.com

Do they live happily ever after? Not (yet? lol)

Like every plot twist in a fairytale, there are some hiccups to this partnership:

1. Privacy Concerns

With great personalisation comes great data collection. How much do we want corporations to know about us? That’s sorta creepy, isn’t it?

Source: tenor.com

2. Over-Personalisation

Could there be such a thing as “over-personalising” something?

I’d say. If you’re only shown what you like, or what you engage with, you end up in an echo chamber. The risk? Stagnation of creativity and narrowed worldview.

Source: tenor.com

3. Loss of Human Touch

When design is driven solely by algorithms, there’s a danger of losing the nuanced, human touch that makes designs so relatable.

Source: tenor.com

In Conclusion: A Match Made in Heav…Cyberspace?

As it usually is with every relationship: it’s all about balance. The union of AI and Design has great potential. But as with all technology, it’s not about what we CAN do, but what we SHOULD do.

So, the next time your user experience seems unbelievably attuned to your preferences, raise a virtual glass to the blossoming romance between AI and Design.

But…as with any good relationship, it requires checks, balances, and a sprinkle of old-school charm.

Happy browsing!

Source: tenor.com

Can’t wait to read more about the twists and turns of this relationship? Then check:

📗 How Much Personalization Is Enough in UX Design? by Mariia Kasym

📗 Spotify’s Magic Ingredient: Machine Learning by Liesl Anggijono

📗 The Power of personalization in user experience by UX Collective

