2 min readMar 12, 2020


YOU KNOW WHAT I HATE? Plurals. It always get me scratching my damn head. For real, I am just stunned at why these words have some literal weird ass way to say it.

Book. When you have lots of them, you call them books. Pen. When you have many, you call them pens. Bottle. When you have loads of it, you call it bottles. Seems logical, right? Every plural of the item ends with an ‘s’. Easy to know, easy to remember, right?

Then you come to words like ‘man’. When you see lots of them together, you think that you should call them ‘mans’, right? No, English just screws you over and says, “No, it’s men.” Men? MEN? Why in the holy fuck would you call them that? If you call loads of items books, pens, bottles, why not you call a lot of man ‘mans’? Then what about tooth? You call the plural form ‘teeth’. Where the hell did they get that shit from? It’s just the double Os replaced with double Es? Like why is it not called ‘tooths’? Okay, that sounded weird, but you get my point. They replaced the middle letters with Es.

What about mouse? What is its plural form? ‘Meuse’? I replaced the O with the E. No, it’s ‘mice’. Mice. Very ironic, isn’t it? The singular form for that animal is longer and has more letters than the plural form! And where the fuck did they get ‘mice’ from? What about mouses? If you can call the plural of computer mouse ‘computer mouses’, then why can’t it be mouses for animals too? If we call the plural of mouse ‘mice’, do we have to end up calling plural for computer mouse ‘computer mice’?!

As if you didn’t suffer enough, English fucks you more than before. What do say for the plural form of ‘moose’? Mooses? No. Meeses? From the previous examples, you’d assume to replace the Os with Es. But no, it’s not. I want you to take a guess. Do you know what it is?


Both singular and plural forms are the fucking same! Why on Earth are they the damn same? Why can’t they be different? Why is it not ‘mooses’ or ‘meeses’? Why?!

English is so god damn inconsistent. It always ends up confusing the shit out of me. I can’t seem to get it perfectly. Sometimes, I say it right. Sometimes, I say the wrong word and I fuck it up, making myself look like a fool. They should just make it consistent. Man with mans, mouse with mouses, moose with mooses!





Reviewing movies, games and other stuff. I give casual opinions on things too and say what I hate out loud.