2 min readDec 10, 2020

YOU KNOW WHAT I HATE? Toilets not appearing on all the floors in a shopping mall.

We are all humans. We need toilets to release our waste or pee when we eat and drink too much. That’s pretty normal, right? Usually, if you’re outside, perhaps in a shopping mall, you’d go to the nearest toilet to relieve yourself. You’d think that with so many people visiting malls everyday, there would be lots of toilets in it.

But let me tell you that some of these shopping malls…don’t have toilets on every floor. Like, what the fuck? Why would there not be a toilet on every floor? It’s so damn absurd. It might seem like a small problem, but it can lead to very serious consequences.

Let’s say I’m eating at a restaurant at the third level of the shopping mall. After I’m done eating my meal and drinking my drink, I need to go to the toilet to wash my hands and pee. I went out of the restaurant, and I looked around nearby to find if there’s any restrooms. None. Okay, maybe the other end of the mall has it. I walked there, and lord and behold, there’s no signs of a toilet. What the hell? There’s no toilet anywhere. WHY IS THERE NO TOILET AROUND, WHEN I NEED TO PEE? So now, I have to go up one floor to find a toilet. That…takes a lot of time. Since it’s necessary for humans to pee and shit to grow, tell me why the fuck would you not have a toilet on a floor?

This is worse when I have a burning desire to fucking shit or pee. All I want to fucking do is go to the toilet to relieve myself, but there’s no toilet on the floor. I can’t even hold my pee or shit in for that long, neither do anyone. If I hold my pee for too long, my bladder will weaken over time, and if I hold my shit in for too long, I won’t feel too good. When that happens, I might not be able to hold my shit for long, and I might shit in my pants! WHY THE FUCK ARE THERE NO TOILETS ON EVERY FLOOR OF THE SHOPPING MALL? Why do I have to go to every floor to check if there’s one? Isn’t it self-explanatory that there should be toilets on every damn floor? It can lead to serious consequences when the pee or shit is being held in, and the management of the mall can’t add a fucking toilet? Does it cut their limbs off or something? Do they enjoy seeing people shit themselves? Are they narcissists? ADD THE FUCKING TOILETS ON EVERY FLOOR! Jeez.




Reviewing movies, games and other stuff. I give casual opinions on things too and say what I hate out loud.