The Ability To Go Places By Yourself

You Matter
Published in
3 min readNov 24, 2018

Going places by yourself can be pretty tough. The thought of being alone in a public setting while others are with their friends or family can be quite frightening in your mind. If you haven’t really tried it why think that way about it? Maybe giving it a try can change your whole perspective about it. At a young age I used to be the type of kid that didn’t like to go places by myself because I felt as though i’d be weird. Everywhere I went I would always be with at least one of my friends. Some of my friends around me felt the same exact way about going places by themselves so it became a norm to me.

As some of my followers may know, I attend Texas State University. One day I decided to go to a football game by myself. It was a cold day and I really didn’t want to be in the house whatsoever so i decided why not just get out by myself and enjoy myself. During this experience I would have to say it was the best experience I could’ve ever made in my life. I felt at peace with my own company and felt as though I could truly enjoy myself. I got food and drinks by myself, relaxed and enjoyed the football game from start to finish. Often times having time alone by yourself is needed to clear your mind and relax. During these times you can take to reevaluate your life completely.

Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Being able to get out of your comfort zone is a major battle throughout life. In most situations we want to always be secure and comfortable with our position. If you maintain this mindset of being comfortable you’ll never be able to accept new opportunities that come your way. If going places by yourself is something that makes you uncomfortable, tackle it head on and make that effort to try it.

Making New Friends

When you go out by yourself you never know who you can potentially meet. There may be someone taking on the same challenge as you by going out by themselves. Some of us are naturally introverted and won’t take the initiative to start a conversation. If this is you for example, challenge yourself to approach someone and genuinely have a conversation to get to know them. You never know what will happen, that new person can potentially be your best friend 10 years from now who knows.

Increases Confidence

The more you go out by yourself, the more you’ll start being increasingly confident in yourself. You’ll start wanting to do a lot of things independently such as traveling for instance. In different situations you’ll be able to rely on your own judgements without the input of others. It’ll broaden your perspective on life in a different way to make you realize that anything you set your mind on is possible.

Recap of Benefits

  • Self Reliance
  • Make New Friends
  • Ability to get out of your comfort zone
  • Increase in Confidence

Thanks For Reading 👾‼️



You Matter

Inspiring Others To Be Great One Post At A time. 📌 Dare To Be Different 💡 Instagram:@jakariblogs