10 Affirmations that Help With My PTSD & Anxiety.

Lisa Martens
“You seem fine.”
9 min readJun 16, 2020


Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

For years now, I have used positive affirmations…notes, reminders in my phone, post-its…to help me love myself and manage my PTSD symptoms.

At first, it was difficult. It was hard even to tell myself that I loved myself. Those words felt like a lie. It was painful.

But, over time, it becomes easier. Here are 10 affirmations that I use regularly right now to help manage my anxiety, flashbacks, and even the seductive feelings of power that come with PTSD.

I’m not a doctor…I’m just a person trying to figure myself out. Here are some methods that help me.

Here we go.

I can practice long-term planning, just like I practiced survival.

I was once on the beach with a man who had PTSD. He had been in the military. I met him on the night he crashed a vehicle. He seemed unbothered by the accident, and we began talking about some of our symptoms.

Most of the time, when I tell people I have PTSD, they don’t seem to believe me. But this soldier knew I was not lying. We were able to talk about our symptoms openly, without having to explain ourselves. I didn’t feel like I was “less than” just because my PTSD didn’t come from combat. He never made me feel that way, even though so…



Lisa Martens
“You seem fine.”

A remote working Latina. Storytelling is a calling. Read, support, and more here: https://linktr.ee/lisathewriter