When You Tell a Gaslighter They’re Gaslighting.

A cycle of frustration.

Lisa Martens
“You seem fine.”


Photo by Houcine Ncib on Unsplash

When you tell a gaslighter they’re gaslighting you, they’ll use that as evidence that you’re crazy.

What are you, a therapist? What are you, unhinged? What are you now, analyzing the person who is clearly more stable, more intelligent?

When you tell a gaslighter they’re gaslighting, you’re adding fuel to a fire, frustration to your confusion, you’re seeking comfort where you’ll only receive a confused stare, a pat on the head, a condescending tone.

When you tell a gaslighter they’re gaslighting, they’re happy they’re getting to you, that they’re keeping you somewhere between happy and insane.

Because with a gaslighter, there is no growth. They found you down and sympathetic, and they want to keep you that way. If you start to spiritually outgrow them, they have to keep you down.

Keep you down to save you. Make you crazy to comfort you. Tell you your spiritual growth is fake, not real, that you must be naive and dumb to feel secure, that something is wrong with you if you’re happy, that you don’t understand the gravity, the seriousness.

And once they’ve untied you, they can put you back together. It’s okay! They’ll make you feel better, after making you feel worse.



Lisa Martens
“You seem fine.”

A remote working Latina. Storytelling is a calling. Read, support, and more here: https://linktr.ee/lisathewriter