Some Quotes: Give Content Its Due

Vinish Garg
You Too!
Published in
2 min readJan 3, 2016

I cannot stress it enough how content is so important for any business or organization irrespective of its size, goals, or location.

This is an ongoing post where I plan to post quotes on Content. I love reading quotes as I recall reading 50 Quotes for Content Marketers, via Contently.I wrote a few quotes in another Medium post and I plan to continue adding more to this post.

You may have seen a few when I shared these on twitter.

“An organization’s content culture is its open API.”

“Taxes. Allergy. Transport. We struggle with many things in life. Let content be not one of these.”

“The only constant across civilizations and generations is the value of pie, 22/7. Likewise for communication, and content.”

If your role or work is involved with any aspect of content planning, analysis, curation, production, management, strategy, distribution, or marketing, I hope that you resonate with these quotes. Hit Recommend to show your vote and I will appreciate if you use @vingar in your social shares

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Vinish Garg
You Too!

A guardian of an intent. Products. UX, Content Design. Product Marketing. Founder UX conference.