What We Sacrifice When We Choose ‘Comfort’ and Settle.

There’s a steep price to pay when we stop trying to pursue better for ourselves.

Angelica Mendez
You Wholly


Photo by Ian on Unsplash

It’s extremely easy to settle. I’ve been mislead by comfort multiple times but when I get to a point where I’m bored, and frequently frustrated, that’s the signal that lets me know things are not meant to stay this way. It’s a sign that tells me to move forward, look for the next goal, the next milestone. And over the years I’ve realized that perhaps the most important thing of all is to never stop looking for better.

Let’s talk for a minute about the idea of trying something new. It’s terrifying, especially if you’re the type, like me, to want to know exactly everything about anything before hand. When it comes to going after something unknown, most of us take a step back and re-analyze the decision to move forward because we’re afraid of the possibility of failure. And that’s completely understandable. However, a lot of us have heard the saying that nothing worth-while comes easy. And as cliche as it sounds, it’s true. The things that we want the most will require us to put ourselves in the most uncomfortable of positions, but in the end somehow it all comes together and we realize it was worth the discomfort.



Angelica Mendez
You Wholly

I'm sharing my journey, struggles, and transformative life lessons as a 28-year-old on my way to accomplishing my purpose in this life. Join me!