10 Sleeping Strategies for the Struggling Student

By Niabi

4 min readMar 27, 2019


This year, I told myself that I would prioritize sleep, and let me tell you, I wish I had started sooner.

Aside from feeling well-rested and overall more productive every day, getting my 7–8 hours of sleep has shown improvements in my skin, memory, and ability to focus and pay attention. What’s even better is that I’ve been able to wake up early almost every day of the week, including days where I have the option to sleep in. Imagine that!

To help ensure that your semesters are full of restful nights, here is a list of the most effective sleeping strategies I have discovered.

1. Use Lots of Blankets

In the winter, I’ve discovered that I sleep better in a cold room but with lots of blankets and layers. The isolated warmth of my bed in comparison to the colder surroundings creates an unbeatable level of cozy, and some might find that the weight of the blankets is quite soothing, as it mimics being swaddled like a baby.

2. Keep Cool in the Summer

In the summer, I use a fan and sometimes a humidifier, because 1, it’s hot, and 2, it’s dry. I’m prone to nosebleeds in dry weather, so a humidifier makes a huge difference for me. You can find them at Winners or Homesense for $20-$40!

3. Good Pyjamas

Keep tabs on what kind of pyjamas work best for you. Some people dislike pyjama pants because the material gets twisted around their legs when they turn in bed. Try different pyjama types and styles and see what gives you a better sleep. For the record, my University of Alberta pyjamas from The Bookstore are at the top of my best-pyjamas list when it comes to warmth and comfort in the winter.

4. Fluff Your Pillows!

Remember to fluff those pillows! This may seem like a cliché thing from movies and TV shows, but fluffing your pillows really does make a difference! It maintains their shape and ability to support your head and neck, which will (hopefully) lead to better sleep. If you’ve been having issues with your pillows, check this out.

5. Music

When I’m having a hard time falling asleep, I listen to music. Singing along to as few as three or four songs while lying in bed usually knocks me right out. Just remember to pause the music and remove your headphones before falling asleep.

6. Potato Starch

Yeah, you read that right. One tablespoon of potato starch diluted in a glass of water taken an hour before bedtime is thought to have an extraordinary ability to induce a deep sleep. This is the natural, healthier alternative to sleeping pills, and what’s better is that when diluted in water, the starch is essentially tasteless. If you don’t believe me, here is the actual experiment!

7. Exercise

We’ve all heard about the multiple benefits of exercise, but have you ever thought about the effect it can have on your sleep? For most people, exercising has a direct impact on how quickly I fall asleep or how deep my sleep is. Even just stretching before going to bed goes a long way for me.

8. Watch Your Caffeine Intake

Okay coffee lovers, this one’s for you! If you are lucky enough to have developed a tolerance towards caffeine, I salute you. But if caffeine still affects your sleep, let me stress the importance of drinking it earlier in the day rather than later and be sure to follow it up with lots of water. This can include other caffeine-containing foods like chocolate, black and green teas, or energy drinks, as caffeine can have a significant effect on your ability to fall asleep as well as the depth of your sleep.

9. Manage Your Nap Intake As Well

While napping is one of my favourite things to do, I have noticed that it does have a significant impact on my sleep schedule for the rest (get it?) of the day. I try to nap earlier in the day rather than later, so that I’m still sleepy enough to go to bed at a normal time in the evening. That being said, sometimes, when my body is telling me that is NEEDS a break, I do give in and take a nap, even if its at 4 in the afternoon. Otherwise, I suggest you try to avoid napping altogether, and just go to bed early instead.

10. Clean Your Bed Sheets

Last but not least. Wash those bed sheets as often as you can! Fresh bed sheets are the closest you can get to sleeping on a cloud.

