8 Reasons to Judge Your Classes

Published in
2 min readNov 30, 2017

The semester is ending, your classes are wrapping up, and the break is almost here. But before we head off to finals, it’s time to pass judgement on this semester’s classes! Here are 8 reasons why you should complete your course evaluations.

8. You get to grade the graders

This is your chance to let your professors know how you think they did. But keep in mind that they read the feedback they see, and that professors are people, too. Keep it constructive!

7. It doesn’t take long

You’ve already spent dozens of hours on your courses this semester. Why not take another 10 minutes to improve the dozens of hours next year’s students will spend?

6. Your feedback could fix the course

Your comments will help the prof know if their teaching methods are working, and what they need to improve on. They also help the department determine if the curriculum is well designed or if it needs change.

5. It’s your best way to reach the prof

Yes: you could leave comments on RateMyProfessors.com
Maybe: your professors actually read RateMyProf
More Likely: your professors read your comments on the USRI
But: don’t rate your professors’ hotness 🌶 on the USRI

4. Your comments are anonymous

You don’t need to hide behind six proxies and a VPN— the USRIs are private! So feel free to lavish your course with praise or tear it apart piece by piece. But again, remember that your professor is human, too.

3. Micro-review your class

Stopping and thinking about the course as whole is a great way to get into the final exam spirit. Your concerns could be great places to start focusing your studying efforts. Make some notes for yourself while filling out the USRIs!

2. USRIs are online!

You can fill out your USRIs from almost anywhere! Just log on to the world wide web and send your feedback down the information highway. The website works on mobile, too, so you can even fill them out on the bus.

1. Future students will thank you

Ok, hopefully they won’t actually thank you because like we already said, your comments are anonymous. But if at least 10 people fill out their evaluations, the average scores are posted online, which can be a great resource to find out which course to take or section to enrol in.

So what are you waiting for? Rate your courses!

If they’re not up yet, keep an eye on your ualberta.ca email for notifications.

