8 Study Tips For University Final Exams

Published in
3 min readDec 6, 2013

This article was updated on March 31, 2021.

Exam season is here and your time is precious so let’s get right to the point — here are 8 study tips from the Academic Success Centre (and beyond) to help you prepare for your finals:

Tip 1: Work Backwards

Working Backwards with Spongebob

Take a look at your most recent notes first and work your way back to the info that your prof first introduced at the start of the term. The information that you learned last week should still be fresh in your mind so if you study backwards, the information that you learned at the start of the term should become fresher for you.

Tip 2: Create sections

Study Breaks are Important

You don’t have to review all of your notes for a single class at once. Create smaller information chunks for yourself and give yourself small study breaks. This should help you stay relaxed and will make the prospect of studying seem more manageable.

Tip 3: More is Better than Less

If your prof highlighted the same topic three classes in a row or dedicated an entire lecture to a concept, you should probably spend more time reviewing your notes on it than you would spend on something that he/she mentioned as a two minute side-bar.

Tip 4: Scan Your Notes

Scan Your Notes

Before you move on to a new section of your notes, quickly scan the information that you’ve already reviewed. Repetition and constant exposure to the material is always a good idea.

Tip 5: Summarize and Reorganize

Infodoodle Notes
Image courtesy of the Chicago Tribune

Make the information your own! Describe the concepts and/or events that you’ve learned about in your own words. Create mind maps, draw diagrams, or make flashcards. You can even try infodoodling.

Tip 6: Test Yourself

InfoLink Exam Registry

Visit InfoLink’s online Exam Registry to see if there are copies of past exams for your class. Even if you can’t find your prof’s past exams, taking a look at review materials for past sections of your course will help to highlight themes and concepts that you should be focusing on.

Tip 7: Make Your Own Quiz

Write Your Own Exam

Make up your own practice questions and write out your answers. Explain the concepts that you’ve learned using your own examples and create lists and/or outlines for possible essays that you could write to explain the topics covered in your class.

Tip 8: Review and Repeat

This is Good

Once you’ve found the review tricks that work well for you (not the tricks that work for your friends or classmates, just the ones that meet your needs), do what you need to do. Find your study comfort zone and own it.

Be sure to check out the Academic Success Centre for more study tips and exam strategies.

